- intelligence collection vessel 侦察舰(艇)
- Coated sailcloth could be hung in desert regions, channeling humidity into a collection vessel for drinking water. 在沙漠地区吊挂胶面帆布,能将水气导入集水容器当做饮用水。
- Some describe the American spy plane missions along the Chinese coastline as in-your-face intelligence collection and an ostentatious display of power. 一些人将美国侦察机在中国沿海的活动描写为肆无忌禅的、虎视眈眈的情报收集和炫耀自己实力的行为。
- When the temporary barging point is in operation, a waste collection vessel shall be provided to remove floating debris on the sea around this barging point. 在临时趸船转运站运作期间,须使用一只废料收集船清除趸船转运站附近海面的漂浮垃圾。
- When the barging point at the C&DMSF is in operation, a waste collection vessel shall also be provided to remove floating debris on the sea around the barging point. 在拆建物料分类设施的趸船转运站运作期间,须使用废料收集船清除趸船转运站附近海面的漂浮垃圾。
- On the market, tracking regional marketing dynamics, monitoring competing goods market dynamics, market intelligence collection analysis. 拜访市场,跟踪区域销售动态,监测竞品市场动态,对市场情报进行收集分析。
- We will improve intelligence collection and sharing,expand patrols at our borders,strengthen the security of air travel,and use technology to track the arrivals and departures of visitors to the United States. 我们要完善搜集和分享情报的工作,在边境加强巡逻,增强空中安全的防范措施,利用科学技术跟踪每一位来去美国的旅客。
- We will improve intelligence collection and sharing, expand patrols at our borders, strengthen the security of air travel, and use technology to track the arrivals and departures of visitors to the United States. 我们要完善搜集和分享情报的工作,在边境加强巡逻,增强空中安全的防范措施,利用科学技术跟踪每一位来去美国的旅客。
- Corporation competitive intelligence collection is the entrance of ECIS, the analyzing result would be greatly influenced by the quality of corporation competitive intelligence collection. 摘要企业竞争情报采集是企业竞争情报系统(ECIS)的入口,采集的竞争情报的质量的高低将对最终的分析结果产生重大的影响。
- Corporation competitive intelligence collection is the entrance of ECIS,the analyzing result would be greatly influenced by the quality of corporation competitive intelligence collection. 企业竞争情报采集是企业竞争情报系统(ECIS)的入口,采集的竞争情报的质量的高低将对最终的分析结果产生重大的影响。
- He is on a par with his brother in intelligence. 他在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。
- Electromagnetic Intelligence Collection System 电磁情报收集系统
- Foreign Intelligence Collection Threat Assessment 外国情报收集威胁评估
- Fleet Intelligence Collection Manual 舰队情报收集手册
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。
- The boy evinces great intelligence. 这个男孩表现出很高的智慧。
- Intelligence Collection Management Process 情报收集管理程序
- Intelligence Collection Reporting System 情报搜集报告系统
- She's not lacking in intelligence. 她并不缺乏学识。