- She is a woman of extraordinary intelligence and ability. 她是一位聪明过人、能力非凡的妇女。
- intelligence and ability test 智能测验
- Is the system the best option in evaluating a person's intelligence and ability? 以这种制度衡量一个人的智能,是不是最佳的选择?
- Training of thinking quality is a key in developing students' intelligence and ability. 摘要训练思维品质是发展学生智力和能力的突破口。
- He has been a promising student of intelligence and ability, i strongly recommend him for his applic ation. 他是一个很有前途的学生,既有智慧又有能力,在他的申请中我强烈推荐这个人。
- We should understand that the current examination system only tests a person on the progress of his learning and not his genuine intelligence and ability. 必须认识目前的“考试制度”只是证明一个人学习程度,并不能准确证明一个人真正的智能。
- American scholars Rowles and Nozick have different opinions in right belonging of intelligence and ability,so they insist on different principles of distribution justice. 美国学者罗尔斯和诺齐克由于在资质才能的权利归属上有不同见解,因而坚持不同的分配正义原则。
- We should understand that the current examination ystem only tests a person on the progress of his learning and not his genuine intelligence and ability. 二、必须认识目前的“考试制度”只是证明一个人学习程度,并不能准确证明一个人真正的智能。
- Deng Xiaoping in these polemics,as Chinese Government commander in chief,played the important and pivotal role,had made the brilliant contribution with his intelligence and ability as China's diplomatic enterprise. 邓小平在这些论战中,他作为中方主帅之一,扮演了重要角色,起到了举足轻重的作用,以其聪明才智为中国的外交事业作出了杰出贡献。
- Success is dependent on your efforts and ability. 成功与否得看你的努力和能力。
- Medical experts are using their intelligence and abilities to the fullest for diagnosis and treatment of the disease. 医学专家正最大限度地运用他们的聪明才智对此病进行诊断和治疗.
- Education should be geared to the children's needs and abilities. 教育应适应儿童的需要和能力。
- I admired Jobert's intelligence and sardonic wit. 我欣赏若贝尔的聪明和善于挖苦人的机智。
- intelligence and ability stoppage 智能诊断
- This is a interesting pitch hearing ability test. 这是一个有趣的音高听力测试软件。
- His earnings were out of proportion to his skill and ability. 他的收入同他的技术和能力极不成比例。
- Her intelligence and skill compel our admiration. 她的聪明和技巧使我们非常佩服。
- Such individuals' individualities as ability and personality have influences on their job performance, and appropriate personality and ability tests can help predict their job performance. 研究表明,个体的能力、人格等个性特征影响其工作绩效,合适的能力、人格测验能较好的预测其工作绩效,并受到一些中介变量和调节变量的影响。
- I know him to have been a promising student of intelligence and ability. I strongly recommend him in his application. 我确信在智慧和能力方面他是一个很有希望的学生。为此我特别愿意推荐他。
- views on intelligence and ability 智能观