- That big-bellied fellow was very cruel and greedy. 那个大腹便便的家伙既贪婪又残恶。
- But most of them are stingy and greedy. 大多数都吝啬贪财。
- People have become increasingly self-ed and greedy. 人们变得越来越自私和贪婪。
- I hated the sight of policeman,whom I regarded as idle and greedy. 我非常讨厌警察,觉得他们既懒散又贪婪。
- Political integrity and ability meet in her. 她德才兼备。
- People have become increasingly self-centered and greedy. 人们变得越来越自私和贪婪。
- It is said to symbolize integrity and serenity. 传说中;竹,象征着正值与宁静相处。
- In the third part, we find a lost, cruel and greedy Kurtz. 在第三部分中,我们可以看到一个迷失,残暴以及贪婪的库尔兹。
- Craster was his father, a cruel man and greedy, and blood tells. 他的父亲是卡斯特,一个残忍贪婪的人;他也流着同样的血。”
- Integrity and good communication skill. 工作可靠;有良好的沟通技巧.
- They admired his integrity and his calm bravery. 他们钦佩他的正直、沉着和刚毅。
- integrity and greedy 贪廉
- Let integrity and uprightness distinguish all thine acts. 以正直和诚实来辨别所有的行为。
- Where moral integrity and benevalent rule are prevalent. 德行天下。
- Moral integrity and unselfishness are the flowers of life. 道德,无私心就是生命的花。
- Inspecting integrity and flexibility of rudder appliance. 艉轴管滑油系统的投油清洗舵装置完整性与轻便性检查。
- Adhere to the Business philosophy of integrity and innovation. 秉持诚信创新的经营理念
- Few writers can compare with Lu Xun in his integrity and bravery. 就正直和勇气而言,很少有作家能和鲁迅相提并论。
- Let integrity and uprightness preserve me, For I wait for You. 诗25:21愿纯全正直保守我、因为我等候你。
- The witch was very rude and greedy but she always liked to preach her nobility. 可巫婆非常的粗鲁和贪婪,总是喜欢吹嘘她的高贵。