- Seals much like Walrus live along the shorelines of land and sea. 海豹就像海象一样,生活在陆地与海洋交界的海岸线上。
- integration of land and sea 海陆一体化
- The storm blew fiercely over land and sea. 暴风雨猛烈地吹过陆地和海面。
- Planning of land, air and sea transport operations. 地面、空中与海洋运输运营的规划。
- She travelled over land and sea. 她在陆上和海上旅行。
- The concerned departments of the state have promulgated special regulations with regard to exit and entry control and the management of land and sea ports. 国家有关部门对出入境检查、口岸管理等工作颁布了专项的规章。
- A small coastal town forms a thin strip of shelter between expanses of land and sea, the sources of the Kaikoura region two economic kingpins: agriculture and fishing. 这个细小的沿海城市演变成了广阔陆地与海洋之间狭长的庇护所,它也是凯库拉地区两大经济支柱,农业和渔业的发源地。
- Source:Ministry of Land and Resources. 资料来源:国土资源部。
- Geologists have long prided themselves on their ability to peer into the distant past and discern the slow movements of land and sea that have continuously revised the planet's face over eons. 地质学家长久以来一直以能窥探遥远的过去及察觉陆地和海洋缓慢的移动为荣,这种缓慢的移动不断修正数十亿年来地球的面貌。
- Sediment transport in estuarine and coastal is not only one of import problems when the human explore the natural, but also the one of major contents of Land and Sea Interactions in the Coastal Zone. 河口海岸的泥沙问题涉及到人类开发河口海岸自然资源的活动,并且是陆海相互作用研究的重要组成内容之一,对它的研究具有重要的科学意义和应用价值。
- This includes all vehicles land and sea. 这包括海陆空的所有交通工具。
- The farmer still must cut down trees, clear a lot of land and cultivate the soil. 农民们还必须砍倒树木,清理大片土地进行耕耘。
- The storm blew over land and sea. 暴风雨在陆地上和海上呼啸。
- the Use of land and sea area on island 海岛土地利用与海域利用
- Objection to the levying of land and sea departure tax 反对开徵海陆离境税的事宜
- Changes of Land and Sea in the Shuoxiang Lake Area Since Holocene 全新世以来硕项湖地区的海陆演变
- In June, Elliot began to sell plots of land and settlement began. 是年六月,义律把土地分段出售,香港开始有移民居留。
- In June,Elliot began to sell plots of land and settlement began. 六月,艾略特把土地分段出售,香港开始有移民居留。
- Integration of ionic liquids and electrochemistry. 离子液体在电化学中的应用。
- It is also a major source of land and water degradation. 它还是土地和水资源退化的一大根源。