- Effort or ambition to equal or surpass another. 竞争,好胜心争取赶上或超过另一个的努力或野心
- Eager or ambitious to equal or surpass another. 竞争心强的,好胜的渴望或有雄心敢上或超过别人的
- To go beyond; exceed or surpass. 超过超过;逾越或优于
- integrate or surpass 结合或超越
- One who attempts to equal or surpass another, or who pursues the same object as another; a competitor. 竞争对手,敌手:试图与另一人匹敌或超越的人,或者是与另一个人追求同一目标的人;竞争对手
- To become integrated or undergo integration. 成为一体或结合在一起
- Chinese Dialects: Integration or Multiplicity? 汉语方言:一体化还是多样性?
- We have a full recognition to clients' request and adjust correspondingly to make sure our services reach or surpass their expectations. 我们能够充分认识顾客真正的需求,并进行相应调整,使我们的服务达到甚至超出顾客预期。
- In Chicago Mr Duncan raised the share of students who meet or surpass state standards from 38% in 2001 to 68% last year. 在芝加哥,邓肯治下能达到或超过国家标准的学生的人数占比,从2001年的38%25到去年的68%25。
- Capable of undergoing integration or of being integrated. 可积分的或可被积分的
- Winches can either have an Integrated or Remote Solenoid pack. 绞车可以有一个综合或远程螺线管包。
- The state of excelling or surpassing or going beyond usual limits. 优于或超过某种界限的状态。
- One that is exceedingly or surpassingly good of its kind. 出类拔萃之人在所属的种类中极其突出,超过常人的人
- We can know the customer's real demand fully and is adjust to our policy and makes our service reach or surpass the customers' anticipation. 我们能够充分认识顾客真正的需求,并进行相应调整,使我们的服务达到甚至超出顾客预期。
- Metal seals may be furnished as integral or special overlay materials. 金属密封可能配置成一件式或特殊覆层材料。
- Notification of risks that affect product integrity or the project plan. 注明影响到产品完善性和项目计划的风险。
- We could recognize fully about the true demand of our customers and adjust accordingly which can make our service arrive or surpass the anticipation of customers. 我们能够充分认识顾客真正的需求,并进行相应调整,使我们的服务达到甚至超出顾客预期。
- To exceed or surpass. 多于,超过
- To go beyond;exceed or surpass. 超过超过;逾越或优于
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。