- Institutional Reform and the Judiciary? Which Way Forward? 司法改革:路向何方?
- He showed limited interest in social or institutional reform. 他对社会或机构改革表现出的兴趣有限。
- Thoughts On The Institutional Reform Of Agricultural Administration. 农业行政管理机构改革的思考。
- The institutional reform of the State Council progressed smoothly and its objectives were attained. 国务院机构改革进展顺利,实现了预定目标。
- The important value of Alton Locke lies in its departure from the then predominant intellectual paradigm based on feverish pursuit of statistics and institutional reforms. 它的重要价值在于它挣脱了当时居主流地位的、痴迷于各种量化标准的、以外部体制的改动为旨归的思维模式。
- Institutional reforms in the savings and social security systems of several countries have brought both unwarranted complexity and increased vulnerability of the poor. 一些国家的储蓄和社保体系的制度性改革既带来了不应当的复杂性,还使穷人更容易受到伤害。
- So the suggestion is to adopt active elimination of its unfavorable administrative policies and related measures, and the enforcement of favorable institutional reforms. 解决的办法在于取消不利于经济体交易效率提高的政策措施,厉行有利于交易效率提高的制度改革。
- Other crosscutting themes include improving governance for a market economy, expanding private sector operations, and supporting policy and institutional reforms. 另一个明确的主题包括加强市场经济的管理,扩展私有企业的运作,支持政策和制度的改革。
- Center for Institutional Reform and the Informal Sector at the University of Maryland. 约瑟夫。西格勒博士是马里兰大学机构改革与非正式部门中心。
- A: Firstly, it is a fundamental institutional reform, a reform of the overall credit management system, banking system and enterprise system. 答:首先,它是一次根本性的制度改革,是对整个信贷管理制
- The government can never take institutional reform as a means of unloading its burdens. 政府不能把机构改革仅仅当成是卸包袱。
- "Liu said the new clouds, as a series of affairs involving institutional reform, the survey was held in abeyance. 刘新云介绍说,由于牵涉机构改革等一系列事务,这项调查被暂时搁置。
- Behind this new plan is a complex story of 20 years of policy development and institutional reform. 在这个新计划的背后是历经20年的复杂的政策发展和制度改革。
- Military institution reform was one of the main content. 军事制度改革是新政的重要内容之一。
- Firstly,it is a fundamental institutional reform,a reform of the overall credit management system,banking system and enterprise system. 首先,它是一次根本性的制度改革,是对整个信贷管理制。
- Premier Zhu understand the economic enterprise reform, implementation of laid-off policy, institutional reform, the government burden. 懂经济的朱总理进行企业改革,施行下岗政策,进行机构改革,为政府减负。
- The goal of this State Council's institutional reform is to establish a highly efficient,coordinate,and standardized administrative manage system. 建立办事高效,运转协调,行为规范的政府行政管理体系是这次国务院机构改革的目标。
- The external incentives may temporarily overpower the springs of action that are native to the institutional matrix of the country but that will probably not induce any lasting institutional reforms. 外部的激励可以临时让本地的制度网络加强喷涌,但并不能造成最后的制度改革。
- These mistakes mislead our property rights institution reform of enterprises. 这些误区在一些方面误导了我国的企业产权制度改革。
- The institutional reforms are necessary both for the river basin commission and for the provincial administrations, in order to create a favorable environment for implementing IWRM. 流域与地方水利机构的体制改革是十分重要的,它应该为开展水资源综合管理创造条件。