- In this paper, instantaneous reactive power theory using in three-phase four-wire system was discussed at first. 讨论了在三相四线制系统中瞬时无功功率理论和有源电力滤波器的研究结果。
- Based on instantaneous reactive power theory and double closed-loop PID control strategy, a novel FC-TCR static var compensator (SVC) control system was designed. 基于瞬时无功功率理论和双闭环PID控制构架,设计了一种新型的FC-TCR型SVC控制系统。
- In the widely used detecting approach of harmonic currents for APF,ip-iq approach based on theory of instantaneous reactive power is used most widely. 在众多有源滤波器的谐波及无功电流检测算法中,基于三相瞬时无功功率理论的应用最为广泛。
- A method which detects harmonic current of three-phase system with DSP based on theory of instantaneous reactive power is presented in this paper. 根据瞬时无功理论,提出基于DSP的谐波电流检测方法,实现了谐波电流和无功电流的实时、快速检测。
- The instantaneous reactive power theory is widely used in the detections of harmonic and reactive current in three-phase active power filter. 瞬时无功理论在三相有源电力滤波系统的谐波及无功电流检测中获得了广泛的应用。
- Then the definitions of average and instantaneous reactive power based on Hilbert transforrnation for non-sinusoidal circuit are presented. 非正弦电路无功功率及瞬时无功功率尚无统一的定义。
- Emergence of the instantaneous reactive power theory and advances of power electronics technology promote the fast development of APF (active power filter). 瞬时无功功率理论的提出和电力电子技术的发展极大地促进了有源滤波器的发展和广泛应用。
- Proceed from Euclid Space theory,a brief uniform mathematical description of the instantaneous reactive power theory and conventional power theory is established. 同时 ,本文从内积线性空间 (欧氏空间 )出发 ,给出了赤木泰文瞬时无功理论与传统功率理论的统一数学描述 ,揭示了瞬时无功理论的物理意义。
- The energizing and deenergizing strategy for the binary-coded capacitor banks as well as the control method for SVG based on the theory of instantaneous reactive power are given. 给出了2进编码电容器组的投切策略和基于瞬时无功功率理论的静止无功补偿器的控制方法。
- On this ba- sis,DVR soft lock method based on the instantaneous reactive power theory and the improved DVR soft lock-feedback control method are proposed. 在此基础上,提出了基于瞬时无功功率理论的DVR软锁相方法和改进的DVR反馈控制方法。
- To analyze the influence of the cycloconverter-fed rolling-mill drive system on the supply network, a simulation method based on instantaneous reactive power theory was presented. 摘要为分析交交变频轧机系统对网侧的影响,提出了一种基于瞬时无功理论的仿真分析方法。
- In this controller, the instantaneous reactive power theory and synchronous reference frame transformation are adopted in VAR detection algorithm.The controller is stable in control and good at EMC. 该控制器将瞬时无功理论和同步旋转坐标变换运用到无功检测算法中,所设计的控制器控制性能稳定、现场抗干扰能力强;
- Japanese scholar Akagi H. put forward instantaneous reactive power theory in 1980S, 20 century, meeting the demand for real time and instantaneousness. 20世纪80年代由日本学者赤木泰文提出的瞬时无功功率理论满足了对电流谐波和基波无功电流快速检测的要求。
- instantaneous reactive power theory 瞬时无功功率理论
- instantaneous reactive power full compensation 瞬时无功全补偿
- the theory of instantaneous reactive power 瞬时无功功率理论
- generalized instantaneous reactive power theory 广义瞬时无功功率理论
- theory of instantaneous reactive power 瞬时无功功率理论
- instantaneous reactive power compensator 瞬时电抗功率补偿器
- extraction / instantaneous reactive power theory 检测/瞬时无功功率理论