- instantaneous mixed strategy 瞬间混合策略
- The Constant Mix strategy is a form of'buy low/sell high'strategy which is good for a market caught in a trading range. 而“固定结构策略”适合在股市波动时使用。
- However,the Constant Mix strategy is very useful in a flat but oscillating market. 然而,股市若处在平平但又不时会起落的阶段时,它会是个有用的策略。
- However, the Constant Mix strategy is very useful in a flat but oscillating market. 然而,股市若处在平平但又不时会起落的阶段时,它会是个有用的策略;
- While the Constant Mix strategy seems to be the best strategy to follow,the Buy-and-Hold strategy is better under certain situations. “固定结构策略”可能是最好的投资策略,但在某种情况下,买入后长期持有会更好。
- The Constant Mix strategy is a form of'buy low and sell high'strategy which is good for a market caught in a trading range. 而“固定结构策略”是“低买高卖”策略,适合在股市波动时使用。
- Therefore,if you believe that the stock market is on a long-term uptrend,the Constant Mix strategy is not a good one to follow. 当你认为它正处于长期升势,“固定结构策略”并不是个好的策略。
- We later introduce the concept of a mixed strategy to incorporate such uncertainty in our analysis. 我们将来会引入混合策略的概念来涵盖这些不确定性。
- Therefore, if you believe that the stock market is on a long-term uptrend, the Constant Mix strategy is not a good one to follow. 当你认为它正处于长期升势,“固定结构策略”并不是个好的策略。
- While the Constant Mix strategy seems to be the best strategy to follow, the Buy-and-Hold strategy is better under certain situations. “固定结构策略”可能是最好的投资策略,但在某种情况下,买入后长期持有会更好。
- A mixed strategy is one in which the player makes a random choice among two or more possible actions, based on a set of chosen probabilities. 混合策略是参与者在两个或更多的可能行为中随机做出的一个选择,基于一系列选择的可能性。
- After confirming the target and position of Reductil launch, we analysis the customer purchase behavior, and design 4P marketing mixed strategy. 在明确了“诺美亭”上市的目标和定位后,本文分析了目标市场的购买行为特点,然后从产品、价格、促销、分销四个方面,就“诺美亭”如何进入市场,执行何种策略进行了论证。
- The practicability and the suitability of this mixed strategy in application is discussed with an example which is used by Huawei company for advancing towards Thailand market. 在本文的最后以华为公司进军泰国市场为例,探讨了这种营销战略在实际中的应用的可行性和适当性。
- Death is instantaneous in a fatal accident. 在致命的事故中,死亡是即刻发生的。
- The reaction of the audience was instantaneous. 观众即刻有了反应。
- The game between taxpayers and tax authority contains a mixed strategy Nash equilibrium, and there is close relation between the status of application lag in our country's current tax planning practice and the game of the taxpayers and tax authority. 纳税人和税务机关之间的博弈存在着混合战略纳什均衡,并且我国目前税务筹划在实践中应用滞后的现状与纳税人和税务机关之间的博弈关系存在着紧密联系。
- The results show that there is no pure strategy ESS in these models, but has mixed strategy ESS, which indicate the evolutionary stable character of synergic competition of corporation's innovation behavior. 对这些模型的分析表明,集群内企业创新行为不存在纯策略进化稳定均衡,但存在混合策略进化稳定均衡或"行为策略"进化稳定均衡,这反映了集群内企业创新行为的协同竞争性以及这种协同竞争创新行为的进化稳定性。
- This paper discusses the mixed strategies and Nash Equilibrium of game theory with sequential payoff function. 讨论了具有连续支付函数博弈的混合策略及其纳什均衡。
- In this paper, the problem of operation optimization in generative CAPP is discussed. A mixed strategy for operation optimization using genetic algorithms and simulated annealing algorithms is introduced. 结合创成式CAPP系统中工步优化问题,介绍了由遗传算法(GeneticAlgorithms,GA)和模拟退火算法(SimulatedAnnealingAlgorithms,SA)构成的混合寻优策略。
- Don't mix up this pair of synonyms. 别把这两个近义词混淆了。