- instantaneous incidence rate 瞬时发病率
- The incidence rate of children anaemia was 1%. 儿童贫血患病率 1%25。
- The IAE incidence rate of two groups were analyzed. M和FC对两组进行根管内封药;并对两组药物的IAE发生率进行分析。 结果D.
- Incidence rate of DFL of diabetic inpatients was 41.15%. 糖尿病合并脂肪肝的发病率为 41.;15%25;
- The incidence rate of DGE in the patients with PPPD is very high. PPPD后 DGE的发生率高 ,宜常规行预防性空肠造口术。
- Results:The incidence rate of postpartum haemorrhage was 2.43%. 结果:我院产后出血发生率2.;43%25。
- The incidence rate of colon cancer keeps ascendant these years. 大肠癌的发病率近来有上升的趋势。
- It has high incidence rate,disability rate and fatality rate. 论文题目: 大鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤后联合应用硫酸镁及胞二磷胆碱的增效作用 专 业: 神经病学 硕 士 生: 董亚茹 签名: 指导老师: 赵英贤 教授 签名: 摘 要 缺血性脑血管病是危害人类健康的主要疾病之一,有着较高的发病率、致残率、和致死率,如何减轻缺血性脑血管病、改善缺血性脑血管病患者的预后是神经科学家研究的重点。
- Sports exercise could lower the incidence rate of PWT. 体育锻炼有助于降低智齿冠周炎发病率。
- Results It was still a high incidence rate of syphilis in Jiangmen. 结果目前江门市梅毒疫情仍处在较高的发病水平;
- The incidence rate of repeat prostatectomy after TURP for BHP is 4.65%. 良性前列腺增生患者行TURP后再次手术的比率为4 6 5%25 ;
- The incidence rate of ESRD in Taiwan has gained the second place in the world. 而慢性尿毒症的排行中,每年新发生率方面,台湾皆佔世界的第二位。
- Conclusion The incidence rate of DGE in the patients with PPPD is very high. 结论PPPD后DGE的发生率高,宜常规行预防性空肠造口术。
- Result The incidence rate of leucopenia in treatment group(25%) was lower th... 结论八珍汤加味对预防化疗后白细胞减少具有明显疗效。
- Results Cancer crude incidence rate was 4.06/100000 from 1991 to l999. 结果:武威市1991-1999年肺癌平均粗发病率为4.;06/10万。
- An SI epidemic model with standard incidence rate as follow is investigated. 研究如下一类具有标准发生率的SI型传染病模型。
- Results: The incidence rate of severe PPH after cesarean section was 0.25%. 阴道分娩重度产后出血的发生率为0.;14%25。
- Furthermore, we considered one DI model with a bilinear incidence rate. 并在此基础上进一步考虑了一类传染率为双线性的DI模型。
- The incidence rates of male were obviously higher than those of female. 平均粗发病率为12.;45/10万(标化率为5
- Objective To investigate the incidence rate( IR) of IDDM in the children of Nanning. 目的调查南宁市儿童1型糖尿病的发病率。