- Newest high efficient far infrared drying technology, high prductivity and smail installed power. 一机多用,综合兼容,一套设备可进行多样品种生产。
- In 1991, the installed power generating capacity of Tibet reached 140,000 kw and the annual output of generated electricity came to 400 million kwh. 到1991年,西藏电力装机容量已达14万千瓦,年发电量4亿千瓦小时。
- In 1991,the installed power generating capacity of Tibet reached 140,000 kw and the annual output of generated electricity came to 400 million kwh. 到1991年,西藏电力装机容量已达14万千瓦,年发电量4亿千瓦小时。
- HYDROELECTRIC HEPP PROJECTS FOR SALE Country : TURKEY Installed Power (MW) : 58.7 Annual Generation (GWh) : 186.97 Flow Rate (m3... [相关分类:电容器,发电机,开关电源,电,太阳能,可循环能源
- Normally we add 10 W/ m2 extra installed power in order to achieve a faster temperature increase from economy to comfort level. 为使经济温度快速升高到舒适温度,通常情况下我们把每平米增加10瓦的能量。
- In 1991, the installed power generating capacityr of Tibet reached b 140,000 kw and the annual output of generated electricity came to 400 million kwh. 到1991年,西藏电力装机容量已达14万千瓦,年发电量4亿千瓦小时。
- In 1991, the installed power generating capacity of Tibet reached 140,000 kw and thewannual outputc of generated electricity cameo to 400eillion kwh. 到1991年,西藏电力装机容量已达14万千瓦,年发电量4亿千瓦小时。
- In 1991, the installed power generating capacity of Tibet reached 40,000 kw and the annual output of generatedlectricity came to 400 million kwh. 到1991年,西藏电力装机容量已达14万千瓦,年发电量4亿千瓦小时。
- In 1991, the installed power generating capacity of Tibet reached 140,000 kw and thew annual output ofgenerated electricityv camewto 400 million kwh. 到1991年,西藏电力装机容量已达14万千瓦,年发电量4亿千瓦小时。
- The new smash &dedust apparatus for caky starter was then invented.The new apparatus had the advantages such as simple operation, low installed power rating and high productivity. 结合实际设计出工艺流程合理、设备布置紧凑、单机性能先进的新型曲块粉碎除尘成套设备。
- Inh1991, the installed power generatingr apacity of Tibet reached 140,000 kw and the annual output of generatedw electricity came to 00 Real million kwh. 到1991年,西藏电力装机容量已达14万千瓦,年发电量4亿千瓦小时。
- In 1991, the installed power generating capacity of Tibet j reached 140,000 kw and the annual output of generatedx electricity came to 400 million t kwh. 到1991年,西藏电力装机容量已达14万千瓦,年发电量4亿千瓦小时。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- Their innovation of installing power sockets and USB ports onto every seat in the aircraft will be an ironic progression to obsolescence. 讽刺的是,他们在飞机的每个座位安装电源插头和USB接口的这项创新,将令机上娱乐设施更快被淘汰。
- Once installed, this heater operates automatically. 一旦安装好以后,这加热器就会自动地运行。
- Installed power of pumping station 装机功率
- The President elect will be installed next week. 候任总统将在下周正式就任。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- We've installed a new telex in the office. 我们在办公室里装了一台新电传机。
- James unleashed his power on Susan in revenge. 杰姆斯利用权力报复苏珊。