- inset microphone 插入式微音器
- Speak clearly into the microphone. 对著话筒说清楚些。
- The lecturer speaks through a microphone. 演讲者通过麦克风说话。
- He is talking into a microphone. 他正在对着麦克风讲话。
- For an explanationof the symbols see the key, inset left. 有关各符号的意义请见左边附表。
- Our new street plan of the city is inset in a corner of their area map. 他们的地区地图一角插入了我们为这座城市新绘的街道图。
- He used a microphone so that everyone could hear him. 他使用扩音器,使人人能听见他的讲话。
- Inset: Melbourne across Port Phillip Bay. 插图:从菲利普湾港看墨尔本城。
- A hidden microphone, as on a person's body or in a building. 隐形话筒,窃听器如放在人身体上或建筑物上的不让外人看到的麦克风
- To supply with or transmit through a microphone. 通过话筒传送通过话筒提供或传送
- I will have to inset an additional piece of material into the waistline of my dress to make it large enough for me. 我得在我的衣服腰身处再加上一块布料,把衣服放大点,使它合体。
- Inset: the Yarra River and the city. 插图:耶那河与墨尔本城。
- Ceramic tiles were inset into the tables. 桌子上镶嵌着瓷砖。
- For the Shetland Islands, see inset. 关于设得兰群岛,见小地图。
- Plug in the microphone or no one will hear me. 请把麦克风插上,不然没人听得到我的声音。
- The tables were inset with ceramic tiles. 桌子上镶嵌着瓷砖。
- When we make a speech, we often use a microphone. 我们讲演时经常使用麦克风。
- Will allow you to inset null values. 将允许插入空值。
- Inset: the city form Williamstown. 插图:从威廉姆斯镇看墨尔本城。
- An icon appears in the upper portion of the screen to indicate when the microphone is muted. 当对麦克风进行消音时,会在屏幕的上部出现一个图标。