- High-tech Firm Should Make System Innovation in Property Right All the More 高新技术企业更需产权制度创新
- innovation in property right 产权改革
- The transfer of and changes in property rights of enterprises. 产权划转和产权变动。
- The key to the institutional innovation in state-owned banks lies in perfecting their corporate governing structure and resolving the problem of the absence of property rights. 国有银行制度创新的关键在于完善其法人治理结构,解决国有银杆产权虚化。
- The deficiencies in property right system are the major root of the inefficient performance of state-owned commercial banks. 本文回顾了国有商业银行的以往改革,从根本的产权制度上对其低下的绩效进行了分析,指出国有独资产权制度的缺陷是国有商业银行绩效低下的根源。
- However,some problems in property right system have arisen since the recombinition of China Petroleum and Natural Gas Corporation. 重组改制后的中国石油存在着产权关系不清、产权结构不完善、产权主体不规范的问题。
- Anesthesia was a great innovation in medicine. 麻醉是一项伟大的医学创新。
- WEF parti*** nts, representing a mix of private and public organizations, listed two areas that government and companies need to focus on to boost innovation in China: intellectual property rights and talent management. 论坛与会者既有私人企业,也有公共机构,他们共同为中国政府和企业开出两大激励创新的药方:知识产权和人才管理。
- Most of his money's tied up in property. 他大部分钱都投资在房地产上无法动用。
- A surge of innovation in techniques is on the horizon. 技术改进的浪潮即将出现。
- To safeguard asset the rights and interests of possessory, investor, trade in property right do not suffer lose in bazaar, the significance that asset evaluates the work will.. 为了保障资产所有者、投资者的权益,并在产权交易商场中不受损失,资产评估工作的重要性将...
- Bonafides trover is an important rule in property rights, aiming at maintaining the trade security. 善意取得制度是物权法中的一项重要制度,旨在维护交易安全。
- There is no room for innovation in standards. 在标准化的过程中没有革新的空间。
- The property rights and rights of use are separative.Because of small scale, not clear in property rights and rights of use, AI are limited to develop. 由于土地的小规模经营,以及土地所有权、使用权主体不明确,对农业产业化有很大的约束。
- They will accelerate innovation in teaching. 它们将加速教学革新。
- A chose in action refers to a personal right in property. 诉讼上的财产是指一种财产权利。
- Adhering to innovation in ideas and systems. 坚持观念创新和体制创新。
- economic relations in property right 产权经济关系
- The result of innovation in Chian isn't universal. 中国制度创新的结果不具有普遍性。
- Absolute property right can only guarantee liberty in form. 摘要绝对财产权利只能保证形式自由。