- It's the inner drive that whispers, "I can do it!" When others believe it can't be done. 有些事情,当别人认为不可能做到的时候,是我们自己低声告诉自己,"我能做到!
- Inside ofevery living thing is an inner drive, a Divine impulse, tocompletely and wondrously self-express. 如果你工作只是为了“付账单”,那么你就会错过全部生命的主要原因。
- Non-power influence conquers and encourage people in the form of inner drive for... 非权力性影响力主要是以内驱力形式征服人,激励人,因而对领导者的影响是巨大的,深刻的。
- In regard this, this essay tempts to probe the inner drive of swordsmen literature hotness from the psychology of social culture and aesthetic appreciation. 其中受众的社会文化心理和审美心理是武侠文学热的内在动因。
- The message says Tecent increased the measure of inner drive, and be aimed at started the operation of retrorse hunt head grandly, but detail is unspecified. 有消息称腾讯加大了内部激励的措施,并且针对盛大发起了反向猎头的行动,但细节不详。
- The inner drive of corporation to perform the social responsibility is obtaining long-term profit and the exterior pressure is social environment,government policies and public"currency vote". 企业履行社会责任的动力来源于获取长期利润的内部动力和社会"生态"环境、政府干预与公众"货币投票"的外部压力。
- The article is spent from the professional morality isogon of drive of incentive contract equity and handler, elaborate these inner drive to develop the effect that expand to our country enterprise. 本文从激励合同股权激励以及经理人的职业道德等角度,阐述这些内部激励对我国企业发展壮大的影响。
- The analysis and adjustment of inner drive chain of the hobbing machine are related to the conversion formula of drive chain, the type and the concrete structure of the compound mechanism. 滚齿机内联传动链的分析及调整与传动链的换置公式、合成机构的类型、具体结构密切相关。
- The result indicates that the CAAC should not control the ticket price; rational airlines have inner driving force to depreciate. 结果表明,民航总局不应对机票价格实施管制;理性的航空公司在销售机票的过程中存在降价的内趋力。
- And then its inner drives and extrapolating causes,its benefits and negative effects of development should be dissected. 再剖析此类人工湖区建设发展的内驱与外推缘由、效益契机与负面效应。
- I was allowed once into his inner sanctum. 我有一次获准进入他的内室。
- How can I drive away these feelings of sadness? 我该怎样做才能驱散忧伤?
- Her artificial gaiety disguised an inner sadness. 她以矫揉造作的快乐掩饰著内心的悲痛。
- Bill wave his hand to us and then drive away. 比尔向我们挥手告别后开车走了。
- The inner layer of the wall of a spore. 孢子内壁孢子壁的内层
- How long does it take him to drive to work? 他开车去上班要用多长时间?
- It's time to satisfy my inner man. 现在该是填饱肚子的时候了。
- Sing a song to drive off those feelings of sadness. 唱首歌,驱散那些悲伤之情。
- She went into the inner room to change her dress. 她走进内室去换衣服。
- Loneliness almost drive her mad. 孤独几乎使她发疯了。