- Port模式Port mode
- CITY-green模型CITY-green model
- PORT方法PORT approach
- 在City文本框中输入文本。Enter text in the City text box.
- r-port电路r-port circuit
- politics 一词源自希腊语,意思是 city。The word 'politics' is derived from a Greek word meaning 'city'.
- 使用具有新Port类的串行端口Using serial ports with the new Port class
- 当前“City”值在下拉列表中已预选择。The current City value is preselected in the drop-down list.
- 下一个停靠港non-open port 未开放港next port of call
- 当用户在city或state栏位中输入新的值时,When a user puts in a new value for either the city or state field, the
- 对应于由service元素包围的port元素。Corresponds to the port element enclosed by the service element.
- Navis已经成为Port of Napier销售航线时的战略特色。Navis has become a strategic selling point with shipping lines for the Port of Napier.
- 第3课中显示WeatherData事件类有五个字段:City、Date、Low、High和Forecast。As shown in Lesson 3, the WeatherData event class has five fields: City, Date, Low, High, and Forecast.
- 下面的代码示例演示如何在以下三个文本框中设置输入模式:Name、Phone和City。The following code example shows setting the input mode on three text boxes: Name, Phone, and City.
- 你无需知道像地址和端口(port)标码等任何技术方面的情况。You won't have to know anything technical like the address or port number .
- 语法是ip:port(如果想让系统自动选择可以将IP或端口号设为0)。The syntax is ip: port (you can set the IP or the port number to 0 if you want to let the system choose them for you).
- 下面这个GROUP BY子句返回在Month-City-Product切片和Year-State-Product切片上聚合的数据This shows the resulting GROUP-BY clause for a query returning data at the Month-City-Product slice and also at the Year-State-Product slice
- Tcp Port键入服务器主机上指派给DB2 DRDA监听器进程的端口号。Tcp Port Type the port number that is assigned to the DB2 DRDA listener process on the server host machine.
- 例如,如果您指定New York City,“短语检测”工具提供"New York City"作为可能的查询条件。For example, when you specify New York City, the Phrase Detection tool offers "New York City" as a possible query term.
- 表示当XML Web services支持SOAP协议1.2版时应用于Port的服务说明格式扩展。Represents a service description format extension applied to a Port when an XML Web service supports the SOAP protocol version 1.2.