- On Inheritance of State Membership in the U. N. 论联合国会员国资格的继承。
- We can now proceed to the question of culture. 下面,我们就可以进到文化问题了。
- Let him go to centres of culture and civilization. 让他到文化和文明的中心地去吧。
- Indeed he was a patron of culture religion. 事实上他是文化和宗教的庇护者。
- Chinese literature is a rich inheritance of the Chinese race. 中国文学是中华民族的宝贵遗产。
- Universities are centres of culture. 大学是文化中心。
- There is no support for extensions or inheritance of declarations. 不支持对声明扩展或继承。
- Inheritance of Short Stem Character on Cucumis melo L. 甜瓜短蔓性状的遗传分析。
- That ancient city was a centre of culture. 那座古城曾经是一个文化中心。
- The inheritance of colorblindness is cross inher-itance. 色盲的遗传是交叉遗传。
- Universities should be centres of culture. 大学应该是文化的中心.
- He abdicated his right to share the inheritance of his uncle. 他放弃了分享叔父遗产的权利。
- He is a man of culture and learning. 他是个很有学问的人。
- And savored the charm of culture. 体味文化的魅力。
- The value of culture is its effect on character. 文化的价值在于它对人类品性的影响。
- The inheritance of traditional culture has attracted attention across society. 传统文化的承传问题已经引起了全社会的重视。
- Language is an important part of culture. 语言是文化的重要组成部分。
- She is a woman of culture and taste. 她是一个有修养、有风度的女人。
- Globalization as the End of Culture? 13全球化意味文化终结?
- Building is a reflection of culture. 建筑是文化的反映。