- ingenious use of Conditions 巧用
- So, too, does their ingenious use of fishing boats for satellite cover. 同样,他们也聪明第利用了用作卫星覆盖的渔船。
- Ingenious use of single - chip computer software for preventing system insstantaneous disturbance. 巧用单片机软件抗系统瞬时干扰。
- The beauty of Chinese ancient books is required material for the ingenious use of reasonable access, thus giving the book a gentle simple and elegant beauty. 中国古代书籍的书卷美正是在对装帧素材的巧妙合理的运用上取得的,从而赋予了书籍一种质朴素雅之美。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- To enable the upgrading of technology of Taekwondo, the power of scientific and reasonable use of the understanding, is not the lack of conditions. 若要使跆拳道的技术提升,则力的科学及合理使用法的了解,是不可欠缺的条件。
- Ingenious Use of Three Jaw Self-centering Chuck 三爪自定心卡盘的巧用
- The reason for this is that the external validation service is free to check any set of conditions that are deemed appropriate relative to the use of a given taxonomy or identifier scheme. 这是因为,外部校验服务能够自由地去校验任意的被认为是适合与某一种指定的分类法或标识模式相关联的信息集。
- A toll is charged for the use of the expressway. 在那条高速公路上行驶需付通行费。
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。
- Careless use of the clutch may damage the gears. 离合器使用不慎可能损坏传动装置。
- The uses of this machine are manifold. 这台机器有多种用途。
- The use of lead-free petrol is now being phased in. 无铅汽油的应用现正逐步推广。
- She is economical in her use of salt when cooking. 她烹饪时用盐很少。
- Use of this drug is now fairly generalized. 这种药现在用得相当普遍。
- She pioneered the use of the drug. 是她最先使用的这种药品。
- He was a pioneer in the use of X-rays. 他是最早使用X光的人。
- "ASW"means each company within the A.S watson group and affiliated companies,who wish to make use of condition. ASW是指想在A.;S沃森集团及其附属公司里好好利用其优势条件的各家公司。
- A popular method of synchronizing multiple threads is through the use of condition variables. 通过状态变量来同步多线程是一种很流行的方法。