- the crime of infringing on copyright 侵犯著作权罪
- Decision on Cracking Down on the Crime of Infringing on Copyright 关于惩治侵犯著作权的犯罪的决定
- On The Law Conflict of Infringing On Copyright Crime 试析侵犯著作权罪的法律冲突
- The media is accused of infringing on people's privacy. 人们指责媒体侵犯了大家的隐私。
- infringing on copyrights 侵犯著作权罪
- There's the one about not infringing on other lessees' business. 有一条说的是不得侵犯其他租户的买卖。
- It is not as though Congress lacks expertise on copyright issues. 似乎国会并不缺少著作权方面的专门技术。
- What can we do if someone is found infringing on our trade-mark? 如果发现有人侵犯了我们的商标权,我们怎么办?
- Singling out major gangs in the crackdown on copyright piracy. “打团伙、破网络、端窝点”,重点查处侵权盗版的大案要案。
- Files that infringe on the copyrights of any entity excluding the user. 违反法律及侵犯版权的文件(用户自己的版权除外)。
- Establishing and improving the framework of laws and rules on copyright piracy. 建立健全打击盗版的法律法规。
- An increased workload that infringed on his personal life. 增加了的工作量侵犯了他的个人生活
- HOW is not liable for any copyright infringement on the part of the entrant. 对于产品的任何侵权行为,HOW将不负责。
- Recognize patents and trademarks that may be infringing on their rights (surveillance activity). 了解可能侵犯其权利的专利和商标(监督活动)。
- I'll try to stop dozing off whenever I go to a talk on copyright law. 我会在每次参加关于版权法的讨论时都尽力防止自己走神儿。
- Shall crack down the acts of infringing on the imported and exported commodities and protect the intellectual property. 打击进出口侵权货物的行为,保护知识产权。
- The Guard and Remedy of Journal Editor's Secret Infringement on Copyright 学报编辑隐性侵犯著作权行为的防范及救济
- Yet China will not yield on either front, sternly warning critics against infringing on its internal affairs. 然而中国在哪一方面都不会屈服,严厉的警告批评者们不要干涉其内政。
- Comments on the Criminal Liability of Infringement on Copyright in of the U.S.A 美国版权侵权刑事责任的评析
- TW), which has accused BYD of infringing on its intellectual property.BYD denies any wrongdoing. 鸿海指责比亚迪侵犯了其知识产权,而比亚迪否认有任何不当行为。