- The information superhighway goes all around the world. 信息高速公路贯通全球.
- She is not DUMB - She is a DETOUR OFF THE INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY. 她并不傻,只不过在信息公路上绕道而行。
- British government often says that furnishing children with access to the information superhighway is a top priority. 英国政府经常说让孩子们进入信息超级高速公路是最优先要考虑的。
- The sheer size of the Internet makes it a candidate for the backbone of the Information Superhighway. 因特网规模的快速增长使得其可以作为信息高速公路骨干网的侯选对象。
- The Panel discussed with the Administration on education on information superhighway. 事务委员会与政府当局就资讯高速公路的教育进行讨论。
- The access networks have become the bottleneck of B-ISDN and Information Superhighway in their development. 用户接入网已成为了B-ISDN和信息高速的“瓶颈”问题。
- The information superhighway is the merger of different technological breakthroughs made in the past 30 years. 信息高速公路是在过去30年内所取得的各项技术突破的一个整合。
- The information superhighway will have unimaginable influence on the means of communication among people. 4信息高速公路将对人们相互间的交流方式产生难以想象的影响。
- An increasing polulation of netizens make use of what is popularly known as the "information superhighway". 越来越多的网民使用人们所知道的“信息高速公路”。
- I am not at all certain where the " information superhighway" will lead us: some say to Utopia, while others feel it's the road to hell. 我一点儿也说不准“信息高速公路”会把我们引向何方:一些人说会引向乌托邦,而另一些人却感到这条路会通向地狱。
- Thanks to the information superhighway, we have countless resources right at our fingertips to help us. 多亏了信息高速公路,有数不清的可以帮助我们的资源就在我们指间。
- Wanna surf the net? Cruise the information superhighway? Fly through cyberspace? 想要搜索网络?超级高速导航信息?通过计算机网络飞行?
- Hook up your computer to the Internet and you are on your information superhighway. 只需将你的电脑连接到国际互联网,你就会在信息高速公路上驰骋。
- Whether you like it or not, information superhighway will change the way we live. 无论您的意愿如何,信息高速公路将会改变我们的生活方式。
- I am not at all certain where the " information superhighway" will lead us: some say to Utopia,while others feel it's the road to hell. 我一点儿也说不准“信息高速公路”会把我们引向何方:一些人说会引向乌托邦,而另一些人却感到这条路会通向地狱。
- Moreover, computer internet is rapidly developing, and the world information superhighway is already beginning to take shape. 此外, 计算机网络化正在迅速发展, 全球信息高速公路已经初具规模。
- The seminar on information superhighway and communication service will be held as scheduled and you've been chosen as the keynote speaker. 信息高速公路与传播服务研讨会将如期举行,你被选为主要发言人。
- Developed countries have an ambitions plan for expanding such am information superhighway, a plan that will involve an astronomically high investment. 发达国家有一个雄心勃勃的发展信息高速公路的计划,所需投资高达天文数字。
- Moreover, computer internet is rapidly developing, and the world information superhighway is already beginning to take shape. 此外,计算机网络化正在迅速发展,全球信息高速公路已经初具规模。
- My grandmother, a computer whiz, is hooked up to America Online and I have been scooting the information superhighway since January. 我的祖母是一个电脑奇才,她迷上了美国在线,我也从一月份开始在信息高速公路上漫游。