- In April, the number of specimens for influenza virus isolation was 4121. 四月份,流行性感冒病毒分离化验样本数目是4121。
- In August, the number of specimens for influenza virus isolation was 506. 八月份,流行性感冒病毒分离化验样本数目是506。
- In December, the number of specimens for influenza virus isolation was 880. 十二月份,流行性感冒病毒分离化验样本数目是880。
- In February, the number of specimens for influenza virus isolation was 1195. 二月份,流行性感冒病毒分离化验样本数目是1195。
- In July, the number of specimens for influenza virus isolation was 2921. 七月份,流行性感冒病毒分离化验样本数目是2921。
- In June, the number of specimens for influenza virus isolation was 1152. 六月份,流行性感冒病毒分离化验样本数目是1152。
- In March, the number of specimens for influenza virus isolation was 3785. 三月份,流行性感冒病毒分离化验样本数目是3785。
- In May, the number of specimens for influenza virus isolation was 1770. 五月份,流行性感冒病毒分离化验样本数目是1770。
- Virus isolation have demonstrated that long-distance migratory waterfowls are important spreaders of influenza viruses. 病毒分离工作证明,作长距离迁飞的水禽是流感病毒的重要传播者。
- It has been proved that tigers could be infected by H5N1 subtype influenza virus, and TIV is the H5N1 influenza virus isolated from the lung of dead tigers. 虎是我国的一类濒危野生动物,H5N1 流感病毒对虎的感染已被证实,TIV 即是从病死虎肺脏中分离出的H5N1 亚型高致病性流感病毒。
- These viruses were closely related to H9N2 influenza viruses isolated from poultry in Hong Kong markets. 他们所感染的病毒与从香港市场家禽身上取得的化验样本分离出的H9N2流感病毒有密切的关系。
- While most swine influenza viruses have been susceptible to all four drugs, the most recent swine influenza viruses isolated from humans are resistant to amantadine and rimantadine. 虽然这四只药都对大多数猪流感病毒有效,但最近从人类分离出来的猪流感病毒,大多数对金刚胺和金刚乙胺有抗药性。
- The causative pathogen is influenza virus. 病原是流感病毒。
- Influenza virus subtypies were detected correctly. 广谱地鉴定出流感病毒的相关亚型。
- The influenza virus is destroyed by heat. 加热便可杀死流感病毒。
- The remaining cord and brain are used for virus isolation. 其余的脊髓和脑则用作病毒分离。
- influenza virus isolation 流感病毒分离
- I think the influenza virus is actually done by the cell itself. 我认为流感病毒相当聪明,而细胞挺笨的。
- Using ether to spilt influenza virus to produce this vaccine. 利用乙醚裂解流行性感冒病毒,制得该疫苗。
- What are the characteristics of influenza viruses? 流感病毒有甚么特徵?