- Influenced by the Ambassador-fascinated by Chinese culture from his student life-Valentina Borsevici also has developed strong interests in Chinese people, history and culture. 大使先生早在学生时代就对中国文化有着浓厚的兴趣。在他的影响下,大使夫人也喜欢上了中国的历史文化和人文。
- Japan is the first country to have been greatly influenced by Chinese culture,and the people of Japan have,for a long time,accorded it with the deepest awe and respect. 第一个受中国文化影响最深的就是日本。日本人长期以来对中华文化怀有很高的敬意。
- Japan is the first country to have been greatly influenced by Chinese culture, and the people of Japan have, for a long time, accorded it with the deepest awe and respect. 第一个受影响最深的就是日本。 日本人长期以来对中华文化怀有很高的敬意。
- Akutagawa Ryuunosuke was a famous writer in Taisyou Literary World, and Akutagawa was a representative who was greatly influenced by Chinese culture and image at that time. 摘要芥川龙之介是大正文坛的著名作家,中国文化和中国印象对芥川文学的影响在当时是颇具代表性的。
- Chinese culture is greatly influenced by Confucianism. 中国文化深受儒家思想的影响。
- Viet Nam is a country which is most deeply affected by Chinese culture. 越南是受中国文化影响最深的国家。
- influence by Chinese culture 汉文化影响
- The Wei lifestyle became more sedentary, and the Toba people, impressed by Chinese culture, began to emulate the Chinese. 北魏由拓拔部族所创建,它一方面捍卫疆土,抵御其他北方游牧民族,另一方面于西元439年统一中国北方全境。
- From historical point of view ,its shape ,law and order had been originally reformed after Yangqin entered China and influenced by Chinese traditional culture in disseminating . 从历史的角度来看,扬琴进入中国后,在传播的过程中因中国传统文化审美观和音乐文化的影响,在形制、律制和音位排列等方面进行了最初的改造;
- Effective integration of CLT and Chinese culture is expected to be found by Chinese linguists and English teachers to promote the development of CLT in China. 笔者也借此呼吁中国的语言学家及教师们能找到一条将交际教学法的主要原则与中国文化有效事例的道路,以促进其在中国的发展。
- SYA allows American high school students to be surrounded by Chinese culture but continue to study the standard American high school curriculum. 参与这个项目的美国高中生不仅可以在中国文化的氛围下生活,同时还能够继续学习美国高中设置的标准课程。
- Before the Second World War,almost all our local Chinese writers came from China or were greatly influenced by Chinese writers. 二战以前,本地华人作家多来自中国或者受中国作家很深的影响。
- He reacted against his father's influence by becoming a priest. 他为了反抗他父亲的影响当了传教士
- For this group,they are greatly influenced by outstanding Chinese culture,be it poetry and prose,philosophy or religion,way back to the 19th century. No other Asian culture has as much or as deep an influence. 但是在文化的高层和深层,可以说还是亚洲文化中影响最大的。这种局面丝毫没有因为印度出了个泰戈尔,日本出了个川端康成而有所改变。优秀的中华文化,包括诗歌、哲学和宗教,早在上个世纪就已经影响到西方文化界。
- For this group,they are greatly influenced by outstanding Chinese culture,poetry and prose,philosophy or religion,way back to the 19th century. 优秀的中华文化,包括诗歌、哲学和宗教,早在上个世纪就已经影响到西方文化界。
- The Chinese people are deeply influenced by Confucianism and Taoism. Confucius, Lao Zi and Mencius are the figures who have the deepest influence on the formation the Chinese culture. 中国人深受儒家思想和道家思想的影响。孔子、老子和孟子是对中国文化的形成影响最深的人。
- He has been commented as an advanced individual in Tianjin Handwriting Industry and got the reputation as cross-strait sainted Artist by Chinese Culture Union. 被评为天津市书法创作先进个人。被中国文联授予海峡两岸德艺双馨艺术家称号;
- For this group, they are greatly influenced by outstanding Chinese culture, poetry and prose, philosophy or religion, way back to the 19th century. 优秀的中华文化,包括诗歌、哲学和宗教,早在上个世纪就已经影响到西方文化界。
- For this group, they are greatly influenced by outstanding Chinese culture, be it poetry and prose, philosophy or religion, way back to the 19th century. No other Asian culture has as much or as deep an influence. 但是在文化的高层和深层,可以说还是亚洲文化中影响最大的。这种局面丝毫没有因为印度出了个泰戈尔,日本出了个川端康成而有所改变。优秀的中华文化,包括诗歌、哲学和宗教,早在上个世纪就已经影响到西方文化界。
- She was influenced by her mother to accept it. 她受母亲的影响而接受它。