- The inflection point at this PH is barely detectable. 在此PH值下,拐点不易发现。
- Today we are also at a historic inflection point in Canada's North. 今天在加拿大北部,我们正处在一个历史转折点。
- Shanghai real estate bubble, inflection point, the trend sing what tune? 崩盘?拐点?泡沫上海房价走势该唱什么调?
- Looking back at the "hot house" Shanghai property market "inflection point" in? 回眸“房价热点”上海楼市“拐点”到了吗?
- Then the slope rises ever more steeply as bacteria proliferate until it reaches an inflection point. 接下来随着细菌的繁殖,斜线向上急速增长,直到达到转折点为止。
- Wang Xingbo. Investigation on Inflection Points on Planar B-spline Curves. Journal of NUDT. No. 平面B-样条曲线拐点的研究。国防科技大学学报。
- The mere existence of human life in the life time dogleg inflection point, frequently, or else die. 人类的生命仅仅存在于生命时间折线的拐点,一动不动,一动就死。
- The new type of IPR includes both the classical ones that are used at present and a particular type of one that is of inflection point. 新型油井流入动态方程不仅包括了目前所有经典的流入动态方程,而且也包含了具有拐点的流入动态方程。
- And this could be a good time for him to step away from microfinance, which appears to be at an inflection point. 这是一个好机会让他摆脱小额贷款,似乎是一个转变的契机。
- When fertility rises then falls, you get a bulge of people at and just after the inflection point. 当生育率有起有伏,人口就会在出现那个转折点或稍后一点的时候暴增。
- Indeed, incoming data suggest an inflection point that may mark the end of the acute phase of consumer retrenchment. 事实上,最新数据或许标志着消费支出急剧下滑阶段结束的拐点。
- It was forecast Monday for the inflection point to the downlink, but also admitted in the afternoon do not understand. 有人对拐点预测周一要下行,但午后又进场不理解。
- It was showed that pressure exponent of NEPE propellant had a inflection point at high pressure. 实验结果表明:NEPE推进剂高压压强指数出现拐点;
- Real estate structure began to deteriorate next year will be real inflection point? 房地产结构开始恶化明年将出现房价拐点?
- The problem of "inflection point" has emerged as we have entered the new developing stage. 摘要“拐点”问题的出现,是我国进入新的历史发展阶段以后出现的新的矛盾。
- This is an important policy signal, but also real estate policy inflection point. 这是一条重要的政策信号,也是房地产的政策拐点。
- Shenzhen property market oversupply weather encountered resistance speculators "inflection point"! 炒家遭遇阻击深圳楼市供过于求暗伏“拐点”!
- Shanghai property market has entered a plate of the inflection point of the coming era? 楼市步入个盘时代上海楼市的拐点即将到来?
- Concern : the release of cooling the property market inflection point or a signal? 关注:中央释放降温信号楼市拐点或出现?
- Real estate policy to suppress the price inflection point at the end of the bubble will occur? 房地产政策不断打压泡沫房价拐点年底将出现?