- infinitely narrow gap 无限窄间隙
- A narrow gap or pass between hills or woods. 小路山间或林间狭窄地带或通道
- There was only a narrow gap between the bed and the wall. 床和墙之间只有一条窄缝。
- A way, such as a narrow gap between mountains, that affords passage around, over, or through a barrier. 狭路,隘口提供绕过、越过或穿过障碍物通道的路,如山间狭窄的山峡
- After entering the narrow gap on the plateau, they climbed down the steep sides of the cave until they came to a narrow corridor. 他们进入了那个高原上的小裂口之后,沿着陡峭的洞穴斜坡向下爬去,一直来到一条狭窄的走廊。
- Life as I opened the door only for a narrow gap, but I should learn where to find the light. 就像生活之门只为我打开一条狭窄的缝隙,但是,我应该学会去哪里找到光明。
- After entering the narrow gap on the plateau, they climbed down the steep sides of the cave until they came to narrow corridor. 他们从高原上的窄缝进去,顺着笔直陡峭的洞壁往下爬。
- After entering the narrow gap on the plateau,they climbed down the steep sides of the cave until they came to a narrow corridor. 他们进入了那个高原上的小裂口之后,沿着陡峭的洞穴斜坡向下爬去,一直来到一条狭窄的走廊。
- The control system by microcomputer for tandem wire narrow gap SAW machine is solved adopting 80C196 monolithic computer. 采用80C196单片机为控制核心,解决了窄间隙埋弧焊机的微机控制问题。
- Mouth of pipe Argonaut welding, Lincoln weld, narrow gap welding, longitudinal girth Argonaut welding, manually Argonaut welding and manually arc welding machine. 管口自动氩弧焊,埋弧自动焊,窄间隙焊机,纵环缝自动氩弧焊,手工氩弧焊,手工电焊机
- That was infinitely better than his last film. 这比他上一部电影不知胜过多少倍。
- This parer presents the application of narrow gap arc welding technology to crane rails,focusing on the welding material and welding technique used in the welding of QU80 crane rails. 介绍了窄间隙强迫成形电弧焊法在钢轨焊接中的应用,重点论述了采用该方法焊接QU80起重轨无缝轨道的焊接材料、焊接工艺及实际应用情况。
- This parer presents the application of narrow gap arc welding technology to crane rails, focusing on the welding material and welding technique used in the welding of QU80 crane rails. 摘要介绍了窄间隙强迫成形电弧焊法在钢轨焊接中的应用,重点论述了采用该方法焊接QU80起重轨无缝轨道的焊接材料、焊接工艺及实际应用情况。
- The hot sulfur springs, for which the city is named, bubble up from below ground in a narrow gap in the Ouachita Mountains a little more than fifty miles west and slightly south of Little Rock. 城市的名字来源于小石城往西略偏南50多英里处沃希塔山脉一道狭谷中汩汩涌出的硫磺温泉。第一个发现这眼温泉的欧洲人是埃尔南多.;德索托。
- Vista: Narrowing Gaps between Dream and Reality? Vista:梦想能否照进现实?
- They planed to narrow the gap between imports and exports. 他们计划缩小进出口的差额。
- The particles in an atom are infinitely small. 原子里的粒子极小。
- Narrow gaps and wide valleys passing through the Appalachians allow avenues to travel westward. 狭窄的隘口和宽阔的山谷从阿巴拉契亚山脉中穿过,成为伸向西部的大通道。
- The labyrinth seals used with SAF housings have three radially arranged labyrinth stages that form narrow gaps to the grooves in the housing walls. 用于SAF轴承座的迷宫密封件按径向布置为三重迷宫级,从而与轴承座壁内的沟槽形成小缝隙。
- After entering the narrow gap on the plateau, 他们从高原上的窄缝进去,