- infinite loop space 无限闭路空间
- A second form of the infinite loop is for(;;). 无限循环的第二种形式是for(;;)。
- A second form of the infinite loop is for. 无限循环的第二种形式是for语句(计算机)。
- The device driver goot stuck in an infinite loop. 该设备驱动程序菊困在一个无限循环。
- An incorrectly composed recursive CTE may cause an infinite loop. 如果递归CTE组合不正确,可能会导致无限循环。
- Make sure you do not have an infinite loop or infinite recursion. 确保您没有无限循环或无限递归。
- Property, or else your code may execute an infinite loop. 属性的类型进行比较,否则代码可能执行无限循环。
- You will start an infinite loop if you are not careful. 如果不注意的话,会启动无限循环。
- Here, if the assertion fails, we simply enter an infinite loop. 在这里,如果断言失败,我们只需输入一个无限循环。
- A top-down parser will go into an infinite loop when this happens. 一个自顶向下分析器在这种情况下将陷入无限循环中。
- Thus, in the third line, we end up with an infinite loop. 在代码的第三行中,我们使用一个无限循环来结束。
- The script logs in to the local IRC server, then goes through an infinite loop. 脚本注册到本地IRC服务器,并开始进行无限循环。
- Some or all CPS games run into infinite loop when wifi status switched to P2P. 测试发现部分(或全部)CPS游戏在Wifi的P2P模式下会黑屏(死循环)。
- A timer prevents infinite loops. 定时器可以防止死循环。
- Comparing with other paper called loop space functor and suspension functor preserve properties of homtopy regular,these results seemed much more general. 由此,得到了比现有文献中闭路函子和同纬函子保持同伦正则性更为一般的结果。
- The second portion shows an "infinite loop" that would,in theory,continue forever. 第二部分向大家揭示了一个“无限循环”的情况。
- If any trigger in the chain sets off an infinite loop, the nesting level is exceeded and the trigger is canceled. 如果链中任意一个触发器引发了无限循环,则会超出嵌套级限制,从而导致取消触发器。
- If your code does not include one or more tests that can be used to terminate recursion, you risk an infinite loop. 如果代码未包括一个或多个可用于终止递归的测试,则存在出现无限循环的风险。
- You might observe very poor performance, or even an infinite loop, if two procedures call each other. 如果两个过程相互调用,可能会使性能变差,甚至产生无限循环。
- It is showed that the loop space functor and the suspension functor preserve the properties of homotopy regular. And a series of homotopy equivalence spaces are constructed. 摘要证明了闭路函子和同纬函子保持同伦正则性,同时构造出了一系列同伦等价的空间。