- Results There were 5 cases with infection of incisional wound. 结果28例患者中有5例发生切口感染,无手术死亡和小肠瘘发生。
- Objective To Discuss the abdominal incision dedridement comprehensive treatment and the effect for preventing appendicitis abdominal infection of incisional wound. 目的 探讨以腹壁切口清创缝合为主的综合治疗 ,预防阑尾炎腹壁切口感染的疗效。
- Conclusion When infection of incisional wound was successfully prevented,the key points may be aseptic technique in operation a... 结论人工材料对于腹壁切口疝的修补有良好的疗效,但应严格做好术中无菌操作和积极围手术期处理。
- Results The complication including pharyngeal fistula、pulmonary infection、cutaneous emphysema、infection of incisional wound、hemorrhage、 aspiration and foodintake bucking . 结果主要并发症为咽瘘、肺部感染、皮下气肿、切口感染、出血、误吸与进食呛咳等,采取各自针性的护理均可以解决和预防,无严重后果发生。
- Rresults Patients have no complications,such as nerve and blood vessel injury,infection of incisional wound and early dislocation of artificial joint. 结果 患者术后无神经血管损伤、切口感染及早期人工关节脱位等并发症。
- Results All of the 35 patients were cured,but complication occurred in 7 of them,6 cases with infection of incisional wound,one case with disruption of wound. 结果35例患者均痊愈出院,发生手术并发症7例,其中切口感染6例,感染并切口裂开1例;
- infection of incisional wound after operation 术后
- There were infections of incisional wound in 27 patients, fistura formation of abdominal wall in 6 patients, cecal fistula in 5 patients, residual intraperitoneal abscess in 3 patients. 发生切口感染27例,腹壁窦道形成6例,盲肠瘘5例,腹腔残余脓肿3例。
- Report on 1 Case Perineum Side Infection of Incisional Wound Together With Perianal Abscess Treated by Combination of TCM and Western Medicine 中西医结合治疗会阴侧切口感染合并肛周脓肿1例报告
- there were no difference in operative time, blood transfusion, complication, re-operation, infection of incisional wound (P>0.05). 但在手术时间、输血例数、并发症、再手术、切口感染等方面与开腹手术组比较则无差异(P>0.;05)。
- A Clinical Observation of Yiqi Huoxue Shengji Fang Associated with Antibiotic for Prevention and Treatment of Abdominal Infection of Incisional Wound After Cesarean Section 益气活血生肌方配合抗生素防治剖官产术后腹部切口感染临床观察
- infection of incisional wound 切口感染
- Results Postoperative intra abdominal spesis and relative complications were not found in all cases and the infective rate of incisional wound... 同时腹壁切口的感染率也明显降低。结论利用稀碘伏液术中清洗腹腔污染或感染的方法能有效防止术后腹腔感染复发。
- Postoperatively,infection of incisional would occurred in 3 cases,stomal stenosis in one case and stomal leak in one case,respectively. 术后发生切口感染3例,吻合口狭窄1例,吻合口漏1例。无手术死亡病例。
- Objective To investigate the preventive method of incisional infection of appendectomy for acute appendicitis and reducing the incisional infection rate. 目的探讨预防急性阑尾炎手术切口感染的方法,以达到减少手术切口感染率的目的。
- Objective To analyse the causes of incisional infection in cesarean section,so as to study the effective measures for preventing and reducing the incisional infection of operation. 目的分析剖宫产患者切口感染发生的原因,探讨防范和减少手术切口感染的有效措施。
- Cholera is a bacterial infection of the intestines. 霍乱是细菌感染肠道的疾病。
- The third one is the infection of vogue of badness. 第三,是受不良社会风气的影响。
- This is Aspergillus infection of the lung. 这是肺曲菌性感染。
- Objective To observe the influence of different skin preparation methods(shaving or non-shaving) on incisional wound infection. 目的调查术前不同备皮方法(剃毛与不剃毛)对手术切口感染的影响。