- infant life table 儿童死亡率统计表
- Dynamic seedling life table of Liriodendron chinense. 鹅掌楸苗期动态生命表。
- Study on the Natural Population Life Table of Pyla sp. 喜树幽斑螟自然种群生命表的研究。
- X, and the age-specific life table of experimental population were established. 建立了实验种群特定年龄生命表。
- Construction and Analysis of the Susceptible Population Life Table of Plutella xylostella L. 小菜蛾敏感种群生命表的组建与分析。
- After construct the database,life table (SPSS10.0 for windows)was used to find the survival function of primary AMM. 检索CNKI全文数据库;收集国内同期有随访资料的个案报道共48篇136例;建立数据库;应用寿命表法(SPSS10.;0forwindows)对AMM进行生存分析。
- Aim To investigate the characteristics of life table of Anopheles sinensis in different areas. 目的:比较不同地区中华按蚊生命表的特性。
- These tools were used to do study on life table of natural population of Anopheles sinensis. 应用这些工具进行了自然界中华按蚊种群生命表的研究。
- Construction and Analysis of the Natural Population Life Table for Continuous Generation of the Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostella L. 小菜蛾自然种群连续世代生命表的组建与分析。
- The simulation results of life table data of Asian corn borer showed that this model possesses good simulation capability. 对玉米螟生命表资料的模拟结果表明,模型具有良好的模拟性能。
- Control effects of imidacloprid, beta-cypermethrin and buprofezin on Pseudophacopteron canarium were analyzed by the method of life table. 摘要应用生命表方法分析吡虫啉、木虱净、稻虱净3种化学农药对橄榄星室木虱的控制效果。
- Attachment is the important affect ional bonds, which begin with between infant and caregiver, and make infant gain warmth, security, care and so on which infant live and develop based on. 依恋是指个体与特定的其他人形成牢固的情感纽带的倾向,它能使个体在生命早期与他们的照顾者保持密不可分的关系,从而获取温饱、安全、关爱等一切个体赖以生存和顺利发展的条件。
- Title: Construction and Analysis of the Natural Population Life Table for Continuous Generation of the Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostella L. 关键词:小菜蛾;连续世代生命表;种群趋势指数;排除作用控制指数;菜蛾啮小蜂;菜蛾绒茧蜂
- Analysis of Laboratory Population Life Table of Carmine Spider Mite,(Tetranychus cinnabarinus)Infesting Feng Chi Sang Morus L. 与相似的文献。
- Bionomics of Perissopneumon xyliae and life tables of its natural population. 云龟履硕蚧的生物学及其自然种群生命表。
- Cox regression was used to screen out single and multiple risk factors.Cumulative survival rate was calculated by life table and Gehan score test. 单因素生存分析用寿命表法计算,以生存曲线描述生存率,并进行Gehan比分检验。
- Studies on the life table showed that key influencing factors on the dynamics of natural population of Rhopalosiphum padi Linnaeus were weather and natural enemies. 试验表明,影响禾谷缢管蚜自然种群变动的主要因素是气候和天敌。
- She gazed at the newborn infant and smiled. 她望着这个初生的婴儿笑了。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。