- An aircraft in steady flight over the earth is just as suitable an inertial frame of reference as the earth itself. 在地球上空稳定飞行的飞机,正如地球本身那样,也可作为惯性参照系。
- The passengers are deluded into believing themselves to be in an inertial frame with no forces acting. 乘客误以为自己处于惯性系中,且不受外力作用。
- We start with Newton's Second Law, at first referring our problem to an inertial frame. 我们从牛顿第二定律出发,并且先只涉及惯性系。
- An inertial frames one in which any isolated body is unaccelerated. 惯性参照系,任何孤立物体在这种参照系中都没有加速度。
- Generally, the motion of compound pendulum as a whole moving along at any direction in an inertial frame has time dilation effect. 一般情况下,无论复摆钟朝什么方向运动,都将发生钟慢效应。
- To explain why the frame of the distant galaxies is an inertial frame, we really need either Mach's principle or another postulate. 为了解释遥远星系参考系是惯性系,我们要么需要马赫原理,要么需要其他什么假定。
- Inertial frames... what is stationary? The ether (aether)? 惯性系。。。什么是静止?以太吗?
- A blackbody radiator will therefore appear black in all inertial frames. 一个辐射黑体在一切惯性系中都呈现黑色。
- The class of all possible motions is the same in all inertial frames. 在所有的惯性参照系中可能出现的运动全都是同一种类的。
- Inertial Frame in Special Relativity, Spacetime, Lorentz Transformation, Lorentz Contraction, Time Dilation, Velocity Transformation, Relativistic Optics, Relativistic Particle Mechanics, Relativistic and Electromagnetism. 特殊相对论之惯性座标、空、伦兹变换、伦兹收缩、间延伸速度变换、对论光学、对论质点力学、对论电磁学。
- The inertia force and coriolis force are calculated to draw deviation for opposite ?balance,? ?fall and? plane motions close to the earth, which based on the particle motion defferential equation to no?inertial frame of reference. ? 在质点对非惯性参考系的运动微分方程的基础上;计算惯性离心力和科里奥利力对地球表面附近物体的相对平衡、落体运动和平面运动引起的偏差.
- The laws of mechanics are the same in all inertial frames of reference. This is called Galilean relativity. 在所有的惯性参照系中,力学定律都是一样的,这叫做伽利略相对性。
- fixed inertial frame of reference 不变惯性基准标架
- And if the relative velocity of two inertial frames is constant, the compound pendulum in motion runs slower at a same factor than the resting one. 两惯性系相对速度一定时,运动的复摆钟都比静止的钟慢了一个相同的因子。
- The principles and methods of choosing the inertial frames of reference in solving the mechanical problems are analyzed. 通过例题;分析了在解决力学问题中惯性参考系的选取原则和方法.
- Mach, though, proposed that the distribution of matter in the universe defined inertial frames, and to a large extent Einstein's general theory of relativity embodies this notion. 不过,马赫认为惯性座标系是由宇宙中物质的分布所定义的,爱因斯坦的广义相对论相当程度地实现了这个想法。
- Non - inertia Frame of Reference 伯努利方程
- Ideas of inertia and complacency are both wrong. 无所作为和骄傲自满的论点都是错误的。
- The bevel of that picture frame was damaged. 那个镜框的斜角已被损坏了。
- I get a feeling of inertia in a hot summer day. 在盛夏我有一种懒洋洋的感觉。