- The TH China Headquarters are located at Shanghai, the industrial layout extend take the Yangtse Delta as the central region area. TH中国总部位于上海,产业布局以长江三角洲为中心区域的地区延伸。
- The industrial association and relating governments should be responsible for supervision of cement industry layout in the areas short of NSP. 四是对新型干法水泥产量欠缺的地区,应该由行业协会或宏观管理部门进行布局的监管。
- Part two : Analyze the current character of industrial structure and spacial layout,anatomize the problems existed in industrial layout at present. 第二部分:对吉林省产业结构和空间布局的演变轨迹进行了梳理,分析了产业结构和空间布局的现状特征,剖析了目前产业布局中存在的问题。
- The economic globalization and the progress in science and technology take a turn from the traditional industrial layout lengthwise for the development widthwise. 全球化和科技进步使传统产业的布局结构从纵向转移向横向转移发展。
- According to analysis of Fushun's industry layout,structure and economy development scale,the best way of heavy industry cities to develop clean production was brough... 同时,以抚顺为研究对象,通过对其工业布局、产业结构、经济发展规模的分析,探索找出了重工业城市实施清洁生产的最佳途径。
- The complicated work mainly includes altering the industrial and technical floe by way of scientific and technological innovations and harmonizing the industrial layout by way of systems engineering. 在循环经济活动中人们以复杂劳动创造了价值,复杂劳动主要包括通过科技创新对工业工艺流程进行改造。
- Please fax me the layout for the new catalogue. 请用传真机把新目录的版面编排图样传送给我。
- As a new member of the National Committee of the CPPCC, he submitted a proposal on the application of Mao Zedong Thought to the economy, education, industrial layout reform and other fields. 作为新任全国政协委员,他今年带来的提案是关于将毛泽东思想运用到经济、教育和工业布局改革等各领域。
- As an integral part of Lingang New City, the development of Lingang Industrial Area(LIA) is a crucial step for Shanghai's further optimization of industrial layout and upgrade of industrial level. 作为临港新城的重要组成部分,临港产业区的开发建设将是上海进一步优化产业布局、提升产业能级的重要战略举措。
- At this time the watch and camera industries were taking shape. 这时,钟表和照相机工业开始形成。
- The government refuses to prop up inefficient industries. 政府拒绝补贴效益不佳的行业。
- It is not the government's policy to prop up declining industries. 资助不景气的工业不是政府的政策。
- The government does not intend to prop up declining industries. 政府无意扶持不景气的企业。
- Additionally receives by the industrial layout first; 增收以产业布局优先;
- A layout of an image to be printed, such as a book cover. 杂凑而成的东西将要印刷的图案设计,如书的封面
- Several industries are developing in this area. 几种工业正在这个地区发展。
- What is the layout of this house like? 房子的格局如何?
- It is a policy that looks towards the development of local industries. 这是一项旨在促进地方工业发展的政策。
- The designer chooses the layout of reinforcement. 设计者选择钢筋布置。
- The robbers studied the layout of the bank. 这伙强盗研究了银行的布局。