- industrial raw material forest of the Eucalyptus 桉树工业原料林
- Acacia mangium Willd is evergreen arbor species, which belong to Mimosaceae family and Acacia jenus. It developes rapidly as a fast-growing tree of the industrial raw materials forest in the South of China by success of introduction in the past years. 马占相思为含羞草科金合欢属常绿乔木树种,是我国经多年引种成功后近年来在南方迅速发展的工业原料林速生树种。
- Study on Construction of Industrial Raw Material Forest Base 工业原料林基地建设管理模式的探讨
- industrial raw material forest used in fragrant powder 粉用工业原料林
- Risk Analysis and Precautious Measures during the Construction of Industrial Raw Material Forest Bases 工业原料林基地建设的风险分析与防范
- Considerations for the Experiments in Cutting Management of Industrial Raw Material Forest 对工业原料林采伐管理试点的几点思考
- Discussing Interest Rate Selection of the Investment Economic Effect Evaluation of the Industrial Raw Material Forest 工业原料林投资经济效果评价利率选取的探讨
- Practice of constructing million-mu industrial raw material forest in Yong'an by using the advantages of joint-venture system 永安市利用股份制优势建设百万亩工业原料林的实践
- industrial raw material forest 工业原料林
- Thinking of Some Technology and Policy Problems of Fast-Growing Eucalypt Industrial Raw Material Forests 速生桉树工业原料林建设若干技术与政策问题思考
- Actuality and Countermeasures of Short-rotation Industrial Raw Material Forests in Guangxi 广西短轮伐期工业原料林建设现状及对策
- industrial raw material forests 工业原料林
- Under natural conditions as a result of Taxus slow growth, regeneration ability, so it is a long time, the world has not yet formed mass of raw material forest base yew. 由于在自然条件下红豆杉生长速度缓慢,再生能力差,所以很长时间以来,世界范围内还没有形成大规摸的红豆杉原料林基地。
- Natural rubber is a kind of world large quantity industrial raw material, among which tire enterprises occupy the majority consumption of natural rubber. 天然橡胶是一种世界性的大宗工业原料,其中轮胎企业的用量要占天然橡胶消费量的一半以上。
- Kaolinite clay consists of one tetrahedral silica sheet and one octahedral alumina sheet.It is an important industrial raw material having widespread applications. 高岭土是一种重要的非金属矿,被广泛应用于造纸、涂料、橡胶、陶瓷、耐火材料、石油催化剂等行业。
- We hereby certify that the XX under this contract is for industrial raw material and intermediate use only, not be suitable for additive and raw material of human foodstuff and animal feedstuff. 我们证明,此合同下的货物××仅用于工业原料、中间体,不用于人类食品和动物饲料添加剂及原料。
- The product has the versatility characteristic, is the foundation industry raw material. 产品具有用途广泛的特点,是基础工业的原材料。
- Kaolin is an important industrial raw material, which is widely used in the manufacture of paper, paints, rubber and polymers, its potential use being closely related to its properties. 摘要高岭土是一种重要的工业原料,现在已被广泛的应用于造纸、涂料、橡胶和聚合物等很多行业,由于它的特性的不同应用的行业也有区别。
- Permitted imports of scrap materials for use as industrial raw materials must be inspected before loading at the port of origin. 允许进口用作工业原料的废物必须在装货港装运前接受检验。
- A country hundreds of millions of people will actually go to such a baffling foodstuffs and industrial raw materials had nothing to do, you sad? 一个国家几亿人竟然会莫名其妙去吃这种和食品毫无关系的工业原料,可悲吗?