- industrial extension service 工业推广服务
- industrial extension services 工业推广业务
- The name"Cooperative Extension Service"originates from the form of organization. “合作推广局”这个名称取义于这个组织的形式。
- The University of Illinois Extension service, for example, suggests practicing on a chicken during the off-season. 例如,伊利诺斯州立大学推广服务中心就建议在淡季时可在鸡上练习。
- The Extension Service at Oregon State University, for example, has a new publication for small farms. 举例来说,俄勒冈州大学的推广服务,有一本有关小型农业的新的刊物。
- The Agricultural Extension Service at the University of Tennessee says growers should do this every year after harvest. 田纳西大学农业进修服务部的专家建议在每年收获完果实之后进行一次修整。
- The University of Rhode Island(Illinoise) Extension service, for example, suggests practicing on the chicken during the off-season. 例如伊利诺伊推广服务大学,建议在淡季的时候用鸡做练习。
- Susan Trice from the University of Maryland Corporative Cooperative Extension Service , says cabbage takes about 60 to 90 days to grow. 来自马里兰大学联合服务机构的苏森说,包菜只需60-90天的成长。
- Atkinson County Extension Service - Cooperative extension service provided by the University of Georgia for Atkinson County, Georgia. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Susan Trice from the University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service says cabbage takes about 60 to 90 days to grow. 来自马里兰大学的苏珊说卷心菜的生长周期从60天到90天。
- Fentress County Extension - University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service office hours, 4-H and other program information, and photos. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Texax Agricultural Extension Service Gnide to Drug, Vaccine, and Pesticide Use in Aquaculture U. S. Department of Agriculture et al. August 1994. 姜礼燔,鱼虾病防治实用新技术。南京,江苏科学技术出版社,1994。
- The Cooperative Extention Extension Service set at Oklahoma State University says by high quality buying high-quality seeds can help. 在三月十七日爱尔兰美国人将吃 一些传统的烤牛肉和蔬菜餐以庆祝 圣帕特里克节。
- Improved government support of extension services for upland environments. 增加政府对旱地环境中的推广服务的支持。
- Location:Lobby level Service Hours:24Hours Service telephone:4 Interphone system There are hotels "extension service phone", please refer to the telephone Guide. 位置:酒店一楼大堂服务时间:24小时服务电话:4内线电话酒店内设有“内线服务电话”,请参阅电话指南。
- The extension service of conclusion diversification can more and so satisfy a childbed to expect the need that the female baby care and availably promote female baby's health. 结论多样化的延伸服务能较好地满足产褥期母婴保健的需求,有效地促进母婴健康。
- Extensive service and expert advice for all types of Dangerous Goods. 危险品的各类服务和专家建议。
- According to the Iowa Extension Service, every teaspoon of breastmilk has 3,000,000 germ killing cells in it;so if a baby gets even one tsp. a day, it is very valuable! 根据爱荷华推广服务,每茶匙母乳中有3百万个杀灭细菌的细胞,所以,每个宝宝每天即使只有一茶匙的母乳,也是非常珍贵的。
- England is an advanced industrial country. 英国是一个发达的工业国家。
- School of Industrial and Labor Relations Extension Service 工业暨劳工关系学院服务系统