- England is an advanced industrial country. 英国是一个发达的工业国家。
- England became an industrial country in the nineteenth century. 英国在十九世纪成了一个工业国家。
- We tried to build our country into a modern Industrial country. 我们努力把我们的国家建设成为一个现代化工业国家。
- It built socialism, defeated fascism and became a powerful industrial country. 它建设了社会主义,打败了法西斯,变成了一个强大的工业国。
- As a result, interest rates have been high by industrial country standards. 结果,按工业国的标准来看,利率一直很高。
- They are determined to transform a backward agricultural country into an advanced industrial country. 他们决心把落后的农业国变为先进的工业国。
- That country is transforming from a backward agricultural country into an advanced industrial country. 该国正在从落后的农业国转变为先进的工业国。
- Industrialized countries are consuming 70% of the world's energy. 工业化国家消耗著世界能源的百分之七十。
- Many European countries are developed industrial countries. 许多欧洲国家是发达的工业国。
- Than is the case in any other industrialized country. 与其他工业化国家相比。
- The fastest growth of food exports came from industrial countries. 粮食出口增长最快的是一些工业国家。
- Industrial country governments dispatched experts to promote the economic merits of nuclear power. 工业化国家政府曾纷纷派出专家到处游说,宣传核电的经济效益。
- Currency Crashes in Industrial Countries:Much Ado About Nothing? 发达国家的货币崩盘:小题大作?
- Currency Crashes in Industrial Countries: Much Ado About Nothing? 工业化国家之货币崩盘真的只是空穴来风吗?
- In nearly every industrial country, the government offers to buy product at a fixed price. 几乎在每一个工业国,政府都试图按固定的价格收购农产品。
- The energy shortage of the world results partly from wasteful use by the industrialized countries. 世界能源的短缺,部分是由于工业化国家挥霍能源而引起的。
- Dedication Industrial country to their national prosperity, improve business, a first-class talent. 奉献:产业报国,以民族昌盛为己任,以强烈的民族自尊心,自强不息办企业,出一流人才。
- Are industrialized countries paying too much? 工业国是否支付过多?
- China is transforming from a backward agricultural country into an advanced industrial country. 中国正在从落后的农业国转变为先进的工业国。
- Indeed, its workforce is more starkly divided than that of any other industrial country. 事实上,日本劳工完全分化的程度较任意一个工业化国家都要高。