- Shanghai Integrated Circuit Industry Association. 上海市集成电路行业协会。
- Jean-Daniel Pasche heads the industry association. 吉恩-丹尼尔.;帕齐是一家行业协会的负责人。
- Performing any other function and duty as stipulated by the constitution of the industrial association. 证券业协会章程规定的其他职责。
- Wuhan Siwei Instrument Ltd. Is a member of China Teaching Equipment Industrial Association and specializes in optical equipments. 武汉四维仪器有限公司是一家生产光学仪器的专业公司,隶属中国教学仪器设备行业协会。
- This is a formal arrangement negotiated between the Commonwealth Government and the employer or industrial association . 该协定是联邦政府与雇主或工会之间达成的正式协议。
- China Waterproof Building Material Industry Association. 中国建筑防水材料工业协会.
- Securities firms shall join the Securities Industry Association. 证券公司应当加入证券业协会。
- Our company is weaving machines and electrical machinery professional manufacturers, is the China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association member units. 我公司是编织机及电工机械的专业制造商,是中国电器工业协会会员单位。
- Nero is a member of the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA). Nero是软件和信息行业协会(SIIA)的成员。
- This Standard put forward by Chinese Building Materials Industry Association. 本标准由中国建筑材料工业协会提出。
- Media said citing the data from the Brazilian Steel Industry Association. 媒体援引称这一数据来自巴西钢铁工业协会。
- Lin Guangxing is Secretary General of China Knitting Industry Association. 林光兴是中国针织工业协会秘书长。
- The industrial association and relating governments should be responsible for supervision of cement industry layout in the areas short of NSP. 四是对新型干法水泥产量欠缺的地区,应该由行业协会或宏观管理部门进行布局的监管。
- Regulations for accounting systems of the business in the same nature may be prescribed by the industrial association and submitted to the Central Competent Authority for recordation. 同性质之商业,得由同业公会?订其业别之会计制度规?,报请中央主管机关核备。
- It is one of the members of China Auto Maintenance Equipment Industry Association and ISO 9001: 2000 certificated. 上海意拓是中国汽车保修设备行业协会会员单位,通过ISO9001:2000国际质量体。
- I asked Terry Bartlett of the Toy Industry Association about the Barbie and action figures. 我就芭比和其它活动玩具娃娃一事询问了玩具产业协会的。
- The Fund industry association may specify the minimum rates for Fund sales charges in the rules for self-regulation. 第三十四条基金行业的协会可以在自律规则中规定基金销售费用的最低标准。
- CDMA2000 is a registered trademark of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA USA). CDMA2000是电信工业协会(TIA USA)的注册商标。
- Bartels is also a cofounder and managing director of Business Information Industry Association Asia Pacific Middle East (BIIA). 巴特尔也是亚太-中东地区商业信息产业协会(BIIA)的创始人之一和常务董事。
- We were elected honourably as the council member company of Guangdong Die &Mould Industry Association in 2008. 2008年公司荣幸的被推选为“广东省模具协会理事企业”。