- Inherent quality of character and temperament. 内在的气质性格、脾气的内在气质
- Nice in both appearance and temperament. 其长相和性情都很好。
- Fate and temperament are two words for one and same concept. 命运和性格是同一概念的不同说法。
- individuality and temperament 个性气质
- The benefit of this is the reconstitution of mind and temperament. 其效益可以改变身心气质。
- Look like having individuality and elitist sufficient symbol. 充分显 得有个性与高贵的象征。
- A five-day week benefits more than individually and economically. 五天工作制不仅仅对国家经济和个人有好处。
- It is a powerful wine with individuality and typicality. 酒体有力,个性突出。
- Zhang Zai s theory of human nature comprises both born nature and temperament. 张载的人性论是由“天地之性”和“气质之性”两部分组成的。
- Individuality and prospect will be the main trend of Chinese langue education. 个性和前瞻性将是语文教育的走向。
- The fact that the individuality and introspective temperament inherent in George is in line with Emersonian philosophy also gets explication by reference to George’s epiphanic moments. 乔治身上所体现出的个体性、内省性还与爱默生的超验主义一脉相承,体现于他瞬间的顿悟中。
- Motivate individuals and groups to achieve results. 刺激个体和小组达到结果。
- Leaders are problem solvers by talent and temperament,and by choice. 领导者运用智慧、气质,以及选择来解决问题。
- The children's humor and temperament are only real in their external worlds. 孩子们的幽默和性情只有在他们自己的世界里才是真的。
- Higher taxes are unpopular with both individuals and businesses. 至于增加税收,则不论个人或企业都不会欢迎。
- Traits describe individual differences in personality, ability, and temperament. 特质描述人格、能力和气质3个方面的个体差异。
- She owes her success to her individualism and flair. 她成功靠的是她的个人魅力和天资。
- The historic American belief in individuality and American dislike of being regimented fostered denominationalism. 美国人历来主张尊重个性,不喜欢受严密的组织约束也助长了成立许多宗教派别的倾向。
- The law applies to both individuals and corporate bodies. 本法律既适用于个人也适用于法人团体。
- Characters are like cardiograms: A piece of handwriting often reveals the character and temperament of the writer. 汉字就像人的心电图,书写者的素质、人品会从他写的字中流露出来。