- If the same user owns both the view and the underlying base tables, they have to grant other users permissions only on the view, not individual base tables. 如果相同用户同时拥有视图和基础基表,他们必须只为其他用户授予视图的权限,而非个别基表的权限。
- Experiments on five datasets from the UCI repository show that, OLA outperforms the individual base learner and majority voting when base Learner's are not capable enough for the given task. 结果表明,该方法优于多数投票法和单个分类算法,其对弱分类器组成的分类器集合尤其有效。
- Experiments on five datasets from the UCI repository show that, OLA outperforms the individual base learner and majority voting when base learners are not capable enough for the given task. 结果表明,该方法优于多数投票法和单个分类算法,其对弱分类器组成的分类器集合尤其有效。
- On an individual basis each Christian experiences his own Pentecost at the time of conversion. 就基督徒个人来说,在他们蒙恩归主时期就是经历他们自己的五旬节。
- Mature applicants of age 21 or above not meeting the above requirements will be considered on an individual basis. 年满21岁而未能达到以上基本入学条件之成年人亦可申请,本院将作个别考虑。
- Development of a railway network was generally preferred to development of railway lines on individual basis. 他们一般认为,发展铁路网络较按个别情况发展铁路线为佳。
- The clinician may consider disopyramide, procainamide, or quinidine on an individual basis. 临床医师基于个体化考虑可能会选用双异丙吡胺、普鲁卡因胺或奎尼丁。
- Community based care and support activities for PLWHA 以社区为基础的关怀与支持活动
- On an individual basis, we could see that people made a connection with the NES as soon as they got their hands on it. 就一个个体要素而言,我们能够看到人们一旦拿起操纵器就和NES建立了一种联系。
- Each species is likewise addressing those thought-forms that caused such an experience upon an individual basis. 每隔物种都在同样地正与那些在个体上引起这种经历的思想形态对话。
- The decision to perform decompressive surgery should, however, be made on an individual basis in every patient. 然而实行减压术的决定仍然需要就病人具体情况而得出。
- Dosing must be individualized based on renal function, and minor but statistically significant hematological abnormalities may occur.UCB Pharma Inc. supported this study. 用药的剂量根据肾功能而定,可能会发生很小的但是有统计学意义的血液学不正常。
- Method examines each file in the collection to determine, on an individual basis, whether the file is to be kept or deleted. 方法检查集合中的每个文件并逐一确定文件是应保留还是应删除。
- The anaesthetist and surgeon, in consultation with the patient, should decide which anaesthetic technique to use on an individual basis. 因此麻醉师和外科医师必须咨询患者的意见,并根据每个人的特点来决定采用那种麻醉方式。
- Study on strategies for community based care and support on HIV/AIDS in Guiyang 贵阳市HIV/AIDS社区支持与关怀项目研究
- In the absence of a clinical trial adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation therapy may be considered on an individual basis. 对于那些未进行临床试验的患者,放疗联合化疗的给予要按照个体化原则来进行。
- In order to allow for parties and raids to through instances at their own pace, players can now extend a dungeon or raid ID on an individual basis. 为了让工会与团队能够按自己的进度来进行,玩家们可以使一个现有副本或团队进度独立而不再自动更新。
- Our quality is based solely on our sales samples. 我们的质量完全以货样为准。
- Seal and all nature kingdoms experience not death upon an individuated basis. 海豹与一切自然王国均并不以个体体验死亡。
- The story is based mainly on tradition. 这故事主要来自传说。