- Handle urban and rural individual saving deposits. 办理城乡居民个人储蓄存款。
- The tax on interest earnings from individual savings deposits was lowered and the earnings threshold for the individual income tax was raised. 降低居民储蓄存款利息税率,提高个人所得税起征点。
- Institution of a tax on individual savings deposits 对个人储蓄存款征税制度
- individual savings deposits 个人存款额
- Her savings deposit earns 54% interest a year. 她的储藏存款年利息收入54%25。
- On the other hand, banks pay interest to enterprise deposits and individual savings. 另一方面,银行向企业存款和个人储蓄支付利息。
- Savings deposits now take up more than 35 percent of China's GDP. 储蓄占中国gdp比率已超过35%25;
- Lower bank interest rates for savings deposits and loans. 降低银行存贷款利率。
- Why residents savings deposits continued to grow over the years? 为什么多年来居民储蓄存款持续增长呢?
- Savings deposits in both urban and rural areas have shown a rapid increase. 城乡储蓄迅速增加。
- Life is like a savings deposit card-the more you put in, the more you get back. 人生是一张储蓄卡,你往里面存的越多,你的回报也就越多。
- Banks and insurance companies grow rich only by attracting individual savings and then reinvesting them. 银行和保险公司先吸引储户存款,然后再投资而赚钱的。
- Article 37 A client shall properly keep its individual savings account bankbook or card and password. 第三十七条客户应妥善保管个人存款账户存折(卡)及其密码。
- Savings deposits and loans of financial institutions increased by a large margin. 金融机构存贷款增加较多。
- If not, McCain said ominously that credit will dry up, jeopardizing home sales, individual savings and company payrolls. 麦凯恩还危言耸听地说,如果不这样,银行信贷将崩溃,国内房产销售、个人存款及公司员工薪水都将受到不利影响。
- The savings deposits of Chinese residents are very high,showing an annual increase of around 800 billion yuan. 中国居民储蓄额很高,每年增加8000亿元左右。
- The savings deposits of the region's urban and rural residents reached 57.579 billion yuan,an increase of 20.8 percent. 全区城乡居民储蓄存款余额575.;79亿元,增长20
- The universal withdrawal business shall mean that a client withdraws funds in real time through an agent bank from his or her individual savings account at an opening bank. 通兑业务是指客户通过代理行从其开户行个人存款账户实时支取款项。
- Saving deposits are interest-bearing deposits without specific maturity. 储蓄存款是一种没有特定到期日的计息存款。
- Commercial banks have the right to refuse any entity or individual to inquire about, freeze or deduct individual savings accounts, unless it is otherwise prescribed by laws. 对个人储蓄存款,商业银行有权拒绝任何单位或者个人查询、冻结、扣划,但法律另有规定的除外。