- The director of the factory felt no individual responsibility for the deficit. 厂长个人不觉得应对工厂亏损负责。
- We demand and promote individual responsibility. 我们要求及推广个人责任的承担。
- We take individual responsibility for all we do. 我们对于自己所做的一切都负有个人的责任!
- III) Individual responsibility, organized service hot line. 第三:责任到人,成立了服务热线电话。
- We need a new ethos of individual responsibility and caring. 我们需要关心个人责任和关怀的一种新社会风尚。
- The director of the factory feels no individual responsibility for the deficit. 厂长个人不觉得应对工厂亏损负责。
- Take individual responsibility for the profitability of the company. 对公司的盈利承担个人的责任。
- The director of the factory feel no individual responsibility for the deficit. 厂长个人不觉得应对工厂亏损负责。
- The officer then characterized the applicant`s response as v ague, unclear and not indicative of her individual responsibilities... 然后,移民官又把上诉人的回答说成是含糊、不清楚并且在描述其具体职责时辞不达意。
- The concept of “individual responsibility” is a necessary fiction. “个人责任”的概念是一种必要的虚构。
- Townsend said each species shows an individual response to climate change which is complicated and that the rearrangement of ecological communities may be more serious than expected. 汤森还说,每一种物种都对复杂的气候变化有各自不同的反应,生物群落的重新组合要比想象的严重得多。
- Collective leadership with division of labour and individual responsibility should be practised at all levels. 各级都要实行集体领导、分工负责。
- Equal emphasis should be placed on collective leadership and individual responsibility. 集体领导和个人负责,二者不可偏废。
- Compared with linear teaching, nonlinear teaching is characterized by perception of life, construction of sense, circular regress, correlation and individualized response. 与线性教学相比,非线性教学具有生命体验、意义建构、回环往复、互联关系和个性化反应等特性。
- I hurried in response to my friend's summons for help. 我应召急忙前去帮助我的朋友。
- However,we must at the same time establish a system of division of labour with individual responsibility. 但是,同时必须把分工负责的制度建立起来。
- Emphasizes individual responsibility, individual personality, individual existence, and individual freedom and choice. 强调个人责任,个人性格,个人生存、自由和个人选择。
- Individual responsibility has been the cornerstone of human achievement and civilization. 个人责任是人类成就与文明的基石。
- I do not have the time to respond to individual responses, so I will be brief and make only a few general points. 我没有时间去对每个人的评论都逐一回复,所以我只摘选了一些普遍性的观点。
- He made/gave no response to my inquiry. 他对我的询问未予回答。