- The other the lack of freedom of the individual research worker. 二是研究人员缺乏个人自由。
- One is the general atmosphere of secrecy in which it is carried out, the other the lack of freedom of the individual research worker. 一个是科学研究中普遍存在的保密气氛。另一个是研究人员缺乏个人自由。
- Individual research and development projects in solar, geothermal, fossil, and nuclear energy were placed under the assistant secretary for energy technology. 有关太阳能、热、石燃料和核能源的特别研发项目由主管能源技术的部长助理负责。
- There has been report on the individual research method abroad, however, little repot has been concerned on it in China, and that is the reason why we call it an exploring attempt. 个案式的研究在国外已有先例,但在国内还比较薄弱,因此笔者只能说是进行了一次探索性的研究。
- Moreover, the research in sock price fluctuations in quality companies can be divided into three individual research areas and three effective investment strategies can be proposed accordingly. 此外,可将高价股企业股价波动因素研究分为三个区隔研究,并对此三个区隔研究目标研拟有效的投资策略。
- Individual researchers, academic institutes and even national governments want the glory and research funding that come with solving the puzzle of a new pandemic and being first to publish. 众多研究人员、术机构,甚至国家政府都希望能够首先攻克新的流行病并将这一喜讯公诸于世,借此扬名并获取用于研究的专项基金。
- The actual movement along the framework depends ultimately on the scientific craftsmanship and the ontological and epistemological assumptions held by the individual researcher. 沿著架构的实际移动最终地取决于科学技术和本体论与认识论的假定坚持个体研究者。
- At present in world majority government by law quite perfect country, and was suitable regarding the penalty individualizing research quite is already perfect. 目前世界上大多数法治比较健全的国家,对于刑罚个别化的研究和适用已经比较完善。
- Hopes to be awarded a stipend for further research. 希望能被给予进一步研究的费用。
- The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。
- Did you make any headway in your research work? 你们的研究工作有进展吗?
- The first chapter delimits her area of research. 第一章阐明了她的研究领域。
- His research formed the basis of his new book. 他的研究成果是他这本新书的基础。
- She has her own individual way of walking. 她有自己独特的走路姿势。
- His research results correlate with yours. 他的研究成果和你的研究成果有关联。
- The research yielded a rich harvest. 该项研究有了丰硕的成果。
- We all support his scientific research. 我们都支持他的科学研究。
- The model has an individual way of dressing. 这个模特儿有著独特的穿衣方式。
- School rules allow the individual little latitude. 校规不容许个人恣意任行。
- His biography is a saga of scientific research. 他的传记就是一部科研记实。