- It is not the sole purpose of law to protect individual liberty. 保护个人自由并不是法律的唯一目的。
- Individual liberty was an ideal that Hayek pursued for life. 个人自由是哈耶克终生为之奋斗的理想。
- The Bill of Rights safeguards our individual liberties. 权力法案保护我们的个人自由。
- Utahans are also Westerners,people with a wide respect for individual liberty. 犹他州人也是西部人,对个人自由有广泛尊重。
- Utahans are also Westerners, people with a wide respect for individual liberty. 犹他州人也是西部人,对个人自由有广泛尊重。
- It gives to individual liberty over other moral or social considerations within self-regarding. 涉及个人的自由赋予一种至高无上的地位,超越了其他的社会和道德的考量。
- Brandes, Dialectics, Positivism, Psychology, The age’s spirit, Individual liberty. 勃兰兑斯;辩证法;实证主义;心理学;时代精神;
- The glue of nationhood for us is the American ideal of individual liberty and equal justice. 我们美国的国家粘合剂是关于个人自由和公平的美国理想。
- It will not tolerate attitudes or activities that constitute a breach of law or trust, or infringe collective or individual liberty in any way. 它绝不会容忍的态度或活动,构成违反法律或不信任,或侵犯集体或个人自由以任何方式。
- In Mr Israel's opinion, the Radicals offered the only true Enlightenment, giving us democracy, equality, individual liberty and secular morality. 以斯列认为只有激进派所宣扬的才是真正的启蒙思想,一种崇尚民主,平等,个体自由和世俗道德的理念。
- The same tenacious respect for individual liberty that stopped them killing healthy people, who did not want to die, now lets them help dying people who do. 这些医生对个人自由坚定不移的尊重使他们没有杀害渴望活下去的健康人。今天正是同样的精神又使他们去帮助不愿活下去的垂危病人。
- Some think South Africa should consider forcibly confining unco-operative patients carrying the nastiest strains, however much that would flout individual liberty. 对待那些携带顽固病菌却又不肯就医的患者,有人认为南非政府应当采取强制手段,就算严重地侵犯了个人自由也顾不得了。
- He lied a rational foundation for individual liberty by discussing intelligence ignorance theory, and then, he advocated liberty through criticizing economy plan. 哈耶克用无知论为个人自由奠定理性基础,并以对经济计划的批判来为自由辩护。
- A large part of writers took "individual liberty" as the theme in their works and criticized the inhumane feudal sovereign so as to waken Chinese people from sleepiness and unconsciousness. 一大批作家以“个性解放”为主题,鞭挞和批判灭绝人性的非人道的封建专制统治,目的在于把中国人从麻木状态中唤醒,唤醒国民作为人的意识,呼唤人的尊严,人的价值和地位。
- Many heroic men and women have died in defense of liberty. 许多英勇的男男女女为捍卫自由而牺牲。
- International Society for Individual Liberty 国际个人自由协会
- The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. 自由的代价是永久提高警惕。
- I will be at liberty only at weekends. 我只有在周末才有空。
- But when the new leader, Technomania, introduces a computer into the factory and the individual liberties are progressively suppressed... 一切都要照规矩来,走直线、保持乾净,再也不能自由的涂鸦。
- You're at liberty to say what you like. 你尽可畅所欲言。