- individual gene action 单个基因作用
- Most of QTLs for TBN were partial additive while QTLs for TTL were dominant and over-dominant in terms of gene action. 分析QTL的遗传作用方式表明, 雄穗分枝数以部分加性效应为主, 而雄主轴长全部表现为显性和超显性。
- This suggested that the enzyme inducer was somehow causing differential gene action. 这就暗示了酶的诱导剂引起了不同基因的活性。
- MDS1,located at 170~400kb upstream of Evi-1 was transcripted either as a individual gene or as a fusion gene (MDS1-Evi-1) with Evi-1 by different intergenic splicing. 通过可变性剪接,可形成MDS1-Evi-1融合转录本。
- Notes:In rows, individual gene genotypes bearing different superscripts differ significantly at P<0.05, those bearing different capital superscripts differ significantly at P<0.0 1. the same below. 注:上标不同的小写字母表示差异达到显著水平(P<0.;05),上标不同的大写字母表示差异达到极显著水平(P<0
- Digital genome maps will allow lab technicians to create customized prescriptions,altering individual genes by rewriting lines of computer code. 绘制出数字化基因组图后,实验室技术人员就可以对症下药,通过改写计算机密码序列改变人体基因。
- In Population H21 Mol7, nine QTL were detected for resistance to ACB, which were localized on chromosome 1,4,5,8 and 10. These QTL showed predominantly overdominance, subsequently dominance or partial dominance gene action. 对H21×Mo17群体,共检测到9个抗性QTL,分别位于染色体1、4、5、8、10上,表现的基因效应以超显性为主,此外还有显性效应和部分显性。
- In Population ZJ330XK36, eight QTL were detected for resistance to ACB, which were localized on chromosome 1,2,3,4,5,8 and 9. These QTL showed overdominance, dominance, partial dominance and additive gene action. 对自330×K36群体,共检测到8个QTL,分别位于染色体1、2、3、4、5、8和9上。 这些QTL表现的遗传效应涉及超显性、显性效应、部分显性和加性效应。
- Gene Programmers Digital genome maps will allow lab technicians to create customized prescriptions,altering individual genes by rewriting lines of computer code. 基因程序编制人员绘制出数字化基因组图后,实验室技术人员就可以对症下药,通过改写计算机密码序列改变人体基因。
- The method of interaction of the individual genes (loci) will be explained below if possible. 下面解释一下单个基因间的交互作用。
- Eukaryotic genomes are composed of individual genes and their intergenic regions. 摘要真核生物的基因组由基因和基因间区组成。
- In the 1980s, Mario Capecchi and Oliver Smithies both study(studied) cells in mice to find how to target individual genes for changes. 十九世纪八十年代,马里奥·卡佩基和奥利弗·史密斯均开始研究老鼠细胞,希望能发现使单细胞发生改变的方法。
- Gene actions for HKW, HKV, EM, and KD were dominant, dominant, additive, and additive &dominant, respectively. 籽粒密度主要受母体效应控制, 基因效应以加性效应和显性效应同等重要。
- Their "gene-targeting" technique lets scientists deactivate or modifying individual genes in mice and observe how those changes affect the animals. 科学家运用(以他们的研究成果为基础的)“基因靶向”技术,使实验鼠的某些基因失去作用或者被改造,进而观察基因改变对实验鼠造成的影响。
- In the nineteen eighties, Mario Capecchi and Oliver Smithies both studied cells in mice to find how to target individual genes for changes. 在1980年,马里奥·卡普其和奥利弗·斯密斯为了发现怎样把单个细胞作为目标来做一些基因改变,他们都致力于老鼠细胞的研究上。
- They used engineered retroviruses to insert short bits of RNA to selectively turn off individual genes in a series of melanocytes. 他们使用人工合成的反转录病毒在黑色素细胞基因中插入小的RNA片段将某个基因片段封闭。
- Because of the complexity of the samples, they were not able to reconstruct the entire genomes of each of the gut bacteria, just the individual genes. 鉴于标本的复杂性,他们无法重建消化道所有细菌的全部基因组,而只构建了个别基因。
- Parrando's paradox may help scientists find new ways to separate molecules, design tiny motors and understand games of survival being played at the level of individual genes. 帕隆多悖论或许可以帮助科学家在分子分离、设计微型马达,以及理解在个体基因水平进行的生存博弈等方面找到新的方法。
- With the advanced progress of mononucleotide sequencing polymorphism using genomics, the variable expression of individual genes may be related to the drug metabolism and bioavailability. 随着基因组学对单核苷酸序列多态性的研究进展,越来越多的研究表明,个体基因水平的差异与药物代谢和生物利用度密切相关。
- She has her own individual way of walking. 她有自己独特的走路姿势。