- In addition, individual countries have their own subsidies. 除此之外,个别国家也有各自的补助方式。
- These “trills” would help individual countries manage their GDP risks. 这些股份就会帮助各国管理其GDP的风险。
- Subsidies from the individual countries amounted to almost 8 percent of the gross value of milk at domestic prices. 按本国价格计算,每个国家的补贴已占牛奶生产总值的近8%25。
- The result is that individual countries increasingly toughen their laws on adoption. 结果就是各国有关领养的法律条文越来越严格。
- Some of the evidence from individual countries conforms to standard economic reasoning. 一些来自独裁国家的证据证实了一些经济学推论。
- "We are not, in anything we said today, prescribing what individual countries have to do. “我们今天所说的任何东西都并非是给各个国家开药方。
- "We are not, in anything we said today, prescribing what individual countries have to do," Darling said. 达林:“我们今天所说的任何东西都并非是给各个国家开药方。
- That is why protecting the world's environment is largely beyond the capacity of individual countries. 这就是为什么世界环境大部分在各国的承受能力之外。
- In a global information economy, the growth rates of individual countries should converge over time. 在全球性的信息经济中,个别国家的增长率应该随着时间的推移而聚合。
- Since short-term interest rates in the euro area are not tailored to individual countries' cycles, monetary policy can attenuate neither boom nor bust. 既然在欧元区短期利息率不制定于单个国家的盛衰轮回,所以货币政策既不削弱繁荣也不削弱萧条。
- It's important to understand that an accurate global assessment of forest resources depends on getting accurate information from individual countries. 对全球森林资源进行准确的评估取决于从每个国家获得准确的信息,认识到这一点是很重要的。
- Stylized fact A generalization about economic trends extrapolated from data or an individual or group of individual countries. 引伸性事实从个别国家或一组单个国家的数据中归纳出来的一般经济趋势。
- Perversely, they may also erode support for Doha by diluting the benefits that individual countries get from a worldwide reduction in trade barriers. 令人哭笑不得的是,那些已经从削减贸易壁垒的世界潮流中尝到甜头的国家,其利益会因为关税的提高而被损害,这样一来,还能指望它们支持多哈谈判吗?
- Individual countries would then target this debt level over the business cycle, allowing for some flexibility on both sides. 在商业周期循环中,每个国家将以这个债务水平为目标,上下允许一些灵活性。
- Russia could block formal approval of this by the UN Security Council, so it may be up to individual countries to choose whether to recognise Kosovo. 俄罗斯可以通过联合国安理会来阻止这一方案的正式通过,因此可能只有个别国家会选择承认科索沃与否。
- Already there's been a spate of new bilateral trade deals, known as FTAs, negotiated between individual countries or between regional trade blocks. 大批量的双边贸易交易便油然而生,如大家知道的FTA(自由贸易协定),它是在个别国家间或地区贸易间进行谈判的贸易形式。
- Saudi Arabia also experienced the highest annual growth rate in exports climbing to 42%,the highest of all individual countries in 2005. 沙特阿拉伯,也经历了最高的增长率,每年的出口上升到42%25,是2005年所有国家的最高(出口增长率)。
- In the globalised world economy, the security and prosperity of individual countries often depends on events beyond our borders. 在全球化的经济中,每个国家的安全和繁荣经常受制于国界之间发生的事件。
- The guide provides a general framework that should be further adapted to meet the specific needs of individual countries, including countries in crises. 指南提供了一份总体框架,应进一步修订这份框架以满足各国,包括处于危机中国家的特殊需求。
- In conclusion, the Delegation stated that it was ready to work constructively, with all Regional Groups and individual countries, on the proposals it had tabled. 最后,代表团声明它已经准备与所有地区集团以及个别国家就其议案建设性的开展工作。