- Most of ocular fundus diseases can be diagnosed correctly by binocular indirect ophthalmoscope. 在双目间接检眼镜下,大多数眼底疾病可以得到正确的诊断。
- Generally, binocular indirect ophthalmoscope laser delivery system is safe and valuable for performing PRP as soon as possible. 我们初步认为,双眼间接眼底镜雷射系统是安全的,而且是让我们尽快完成全网膜雷射的有效工具。
- The surgical techniques and advanttages of using binocular indirect ophthalmoscope in posterior segment vitreos surgery arc presented in this paper. 本文介绍了在双目间接检眼镜直视下进行后段玻璃体手术的操作方法及其优点。
- This surgical method is recommended to the surgeons who are familiar to the inverted image under indirect ophthalmoscope. 对适应倒象观察环境后的医生,是一种值得提倡的手术方法。
- Objective:To observe the effect of cryosurgery for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment(RRD)by using binocular indirect ophthalmoscope. 目的:探讨在双目间接检眼镜直视下冷凝治疗孔源性视网膜脱离的疗效。
- Objective:To observe the effect of cryosurgery for rhagmatogenous retinal detachment(RRD) by using indirect ophthalmoscope. 目的:探讨在间接立体检眼镜下进行视网膜脱离手术的效果。
- This paper introduces the feature of binocular indirect ophthalmoscope and its application in ophthalmologic examination and operation. 摘要介绍了双目间接检眼镜的特点及其在眼科检查和手术2方面的应用。
- The binocular indirect ophthalmoscope was used to further determine the pressure crest at the top of the retinal tearing, and the opening of sclerocentesis was sutured. 双目间接检眼镜进一步确定视网膜裂孔的位于加压嵴前坡上,缝合巩膜穿刺口。
- Compared with direct ophthalmoscope, binocular indirect ophthalmoscope has many special advantages owing to its unique illumination system and principle of formation of image. 双目间接检眼镜因其独特的照明系统及成像原理,与直接检眼镜相比具有许多独特的优点。
- Resu lts The typical images of normal ocular fundus and that with ROP in the 150 premature i nfants were successfully obtained by indirect ophthalmoscope. 结果 150例早产儿均通过双目间接检眼镜获得正常早产儿眼底 图像或各期典型的R OP图像。
- The view is that the inspection technique of binocular indirect ophthalmoscope is the most convenient and predominant in fundus examination, ophthalmology operation and treatment until now, and is of value in use. 作者认为到目前为止,双目间接检眼镜检查法是最方便、优越的眼底检查方法,在眼底检查、眼科手术、治疗中,具有很高的应用价值。
- binocular indirect ophthalmoscope 双目间接检眼镜
- Schenck binocular indirect ophthalmoscope 谢潘斯双眼间接检眼镜
- Schepens' binocular indirect ophthalmoscope 谢潘斯(氏)双眼间接检眼镜
- monocular indirect ophthalmoscope 单目间接奸目镜
- We encourage early indirect ophthalmoscopic examination in order to early detect the retinopathy of prematurity. 尽早检查早产充之眼底有助于早产儿视网膜病变之发现与追踪。
- Indirect ophthalmoscopy of the right eye revealed diffuse retina edema with a poorly defined cherry red spot. 间接眼底镜发现右眼视网膜弥漫性水肿合并有一不明显的樱桃红斑点。
- Diabetic retinopathy was assessed by a panel of study ophthalmologists using both indirect ophthalmoscopy and digital fundus retinal photographs. 方法:本次研究自2003年7月28日起至8月7日止为期二周,针对马祖地区30岁以上民众作糖尿病视网膜病变之横断性筛检。
- Objective To study the effect of the microsurgery of retinal detachment combined with indirect ophthalmoscopy. 摘要目的探讨间接眼底镜联合显微镜行巩膜扣带手术的可行性及效果。
- The classic fundus appearance is usually best seen with binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy. 典型的眼底改变可以用间接双目眼底镜便能看到。