- indirect analytic continuation 间接解析开拓
- Finally, by analytic continuation, the Hawking thermal spectrum formula of charged Dirac particles on event horizon r+ and T# are obtained. 本文只研究黑洞视界曲面r_+和宇宙视界曲面r_(++)上的Hawking辐射。
- Two-dimensional free surface flows may be formulated through boundary integrals which allows analytic continuation in the unphysical complex plane. 本文探讨利用类神经网路对于输入模态讯息作形式辨别的最佳化过程,进行结构损伤定位。
- Infinite integrals of coefficients of algebraic equations are reduced to finite integrals by using contour integral and the principle of analytic continuation. 并提出可以用围线积分和解析开拓原理把方程组系数的无穷积分化为有穷积分。
- Through successive applications of analytic continuation, Laurent series expansion and conformal mapping, we finally arrived at a set of linear algebraic equations governing the problem. 我们最终获得支配问题的一组线性代数方程,然后应用标准的线代数方程组求解程序对问题就作出了解答。
- principle of analytic continuation 解析开拓原理
- analytic continuation in the wider sense 广义解析开拓
- His indirect way of telling me to leave annoyed me. 他那种不直截了当地让我离开的方式激怒了我。
- We took an indirect route to the town. 我们循一条迂回曲折的通路去镇上。
- Keywords magnetic prospecting;analytic continuation;cave;delimitate; 磁法勘探;解析延拓;地下洞穴;圈定;
- Disease transmission by direct or indirect contact. 接触传染通过直接或间接接触来传播的疾病
- This road is a continuation of the motorway. 这条公路是高速公路的延伸。
- The taxi driver took an indirect route to avoid the town centre. 为了避免经过市中心,出租车司机绕道而行。
- An analytic mind; an analytic approach. 善于分析的头脑; 分析方法
- "He said he was hungry" is an example of indirect speech. "他说他很饿"是间接引语的例子。
- The accident was the indirect result of the train being late. 引发事故的间接原因是火车晚点。
- He argued for a continuation of the search. 他主张继续搜查。
- analytical continuation solution 解析延拓解
- It can also follow a plural subject or an indirect object with a plural verb. 这个词还可以用於复数的主语之後或复数动词的间接宾语之後。
- Keywords piezoelectric material;anti-plane crack;analytic continuation;conformal mapping; 压电材料;反平面裂纹;解析延拓;保形映照;