- independent component anlysis 独立分量分析
- Does Independent Component Analysis Play a Role in Unmixing Hyperspectral Data? 在纯超光谱资料里各独立分量作用分析?
- Independent component analysis(ICA)is a method of blind source separation. 独立成分分析(Independent Component Analysis ICA)是盲信号分离(BlindSource Separation BSS)的一个重要解决方法。
- It is the technique of Independent Component Analysis(ICA) that be mainly researched in the paper. 以独立分量分析(ICA)技术作为主要研究对象,对基于独立分量分析的定点算法进行了详细的分析和推理。
- A method of data reconstruction was introduced based on independent component analysis (ICA). 因此提出一种基于独立元分析(ICA)的数据重构方法。
- In this paper, a new speech endpoint detection method based on ICA (Independent Component Analysis) enhancement and spectral entropy is proposed. 提出了基于ICA(独立分量分析)增强和谱熵的语音端点检测方法。
- So far, Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is the most important method by which the researchers can deal with the blind separation of signals. 目前,解决盲信号分离问题最主要的方法是独立分量分析(Independent Component Analysis,ICA)。
- Based on independent component analysis, a new way of underdetermined BSS composed of SVD-ICA and determined-ICA is put forward in this paper. 该文根据独立分量分析ICA理论,提出了多源少信道(欠定)ICA算法与完备ICA算法结合的二次盲信号分离方法,用此方法对局部放电脉冲进行提取。
- A novel method based on auto-covariance independent component analysis (ICA) for multi-oscillation isolation and localization is proposed. 摘要提出一种新的基于协方差独立源分析(ICA)的多重振荡源分离定位方法。
- A signal preprocessing method based on independent component analysis (ICA) is put forword for fault diagnosis of a gearbox. 摘要提出了一种用于齿轮箱故障诊断的信号预处理方法。
- Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) are two effective methods of feature extraction. 本文提出了一种基于独立成分分析和线性鉴别分析的特征提取方法。
- In this paper, the dynamic implementation of independent component analysis (ICA) by maximization of nongaussianity and its application is studied. 摘要对基于非高斯性极大ICA方法的动态实现及其应用进行了研究。
- Then it puts forward a new Blind Source Separation (BSS) method based on the combination of MPQGA and Independent Component Analysis (ICA). 采用通用的量子旋转门策略和动态调整旋转角机制对个体进行演化 ;
- As a new array processing technique, independent component analysis(ICA) is an effective means to resolve the blind source separation(BSS) problem. 作为一种新的多元统计处理方法,独立分量分析(ICA)是解决盲源分离(BSS)问题的一个有效手段。
- This ensures that truly independent components can be created with Qt. 这就确保了Qt创建一个个独立的组件。
- A new scheme based on independent component analysis for MEG sources localization is proposed.The method rearranges the localization process. 该方法重新安排了求解过程,通过独立元分析,取出只包含感兴趣神经源位置信息的数据,进行定位,使定位更具针对性,因此节省了定位时间。
- Aimed at the acoustic signals from heavy sizing-press and rolling bearing rig, a preprocessing of autocorrelation for independent component analysis (ICA) is proposed. 摘要以大型轧钢机和滚动轴承试验台爲研究对象,应用独立分量方法来分离机器的声音信号,并提取其状态特征。
- This paper proposes a new scheme based on Independent Component Analysis (ICA) for object recognition with affine transformation and for affine parameter estimation. 本文提出了一种基于独立元分析 (IndependentComponentAnalysis;ICA)的仿射目标识别和仿射参数估计的新方法 .
- Based on the research of ear recognition with independent component analysis (ICA), a new compound structure classifier (CSCER) ear recognition model was proposed. 摘要在基于独立分量分析的人耳识别方法研究基础上,提出复合结构分类器的人耳识别通用模型。
- To utilize these advantages, we apply independent component analysis (ICA) on DSC-MRI images, then we can get output images, which are independent each other. 结合这时间与空间两项的优点,将独立成分分析法应用在动态血流灌注影像上,我们便可以得到互为独立的各组织范围的影像。