- An independence movement grow in the colony. 殖民地的独立运动得到发展。
- We commiserated with their national independence movement. 我们同情他们的民族独立运动。
- The national independence movement sounded the death knell of colonialism. 民族独立运动敲响了殖民主义的丧钟。
- The irrational fanaticism of the Taiwan Independence movement is in fact a legacy of the suicidal fanaticism so characteristic of Japanese militarism. 而台独运动的非理性狂热,正是继承了日本军国主义的自杀性狂热。
- The Independent movement in17th-century England. 独立派运动17世纪英国的宗教独立运动
- As to the Taiwan independence movement, some politicians feel China is just saber rattling. 关于台独运动,有些政客认为中国只是恫吓。
- The time at which this prize category was inaugurated coincided with the high tide of the Norway independence movement. 当诺贝尔设立各种奖项时,正值挪威独立运动鼎盛时期。
- The DPP's roots are in the Taiwan independence movement, though in office it has toned down its rhetoric. 民进党植根于“台独”运动,尽管在官方辞令中已经降低了这种论调。
- The economic crisis in the panic of torture, agricultural futures almost entirely lost the independence movement. 在经济危机恐慌的折磨下,农产品期货几乎完全失去了走势的独立性。
- To westerners, Mahatma Gandhi is easily the most famous leader of India’s independence movement. 在西方人看来,圣雄甘地不费力就成了印度独立运动最著名的领导人。
- Jainism fostered the notion of ahimsa (nonviolence), which would play a powerful role in the twentieth-century Indian Independence movement. 耆那教孕育出“阿希母萨”(非暴力)的概念,它在20世纪印度独立运动中将发挥强有力的作用。
- The Chinese official who spoke with The Age said the thwarted plane bomber was a member of the East Turkestan Independence Movement. 中国官方的发言与年龄称挫败飞机轰炸机,是一个会员的东土耳其斯坦独立运动。
- He became involved in the Mau Mau independence movement and was arrested as early as 1949, probably on charges of membership of a banned organisation. 他卷入矛矛党人独立运动,早在1949年就被逮捕,罪名很可能是非法组织的成员。
- Our other set of questions shows that people's support for Taiwan's independence movement and her rejoining the United Nations declined year after year. 在另一组问题中,本研究组测试市民对台湾独立的看法。
- I think we would have been very likely to have supported the British as we did say in Malaya, where an independence movement of a kind was taking place also from the late 1940s. 我觉得我们很有可能会支持英国,就像以前在二十世纪四十年代末马来半岛爆发独立运动时那样。关键是,当时马来半岛的斗争是反对共产党的叛乱。
- I also adds that, "the po ibility of oil exploration in the Cabinda region has re-emerged, as the activities of the independence movement have reduced". 葡发补充道:“独立运动减少了,在卡宾达地区勘探石油成为可能。”
- BPI also adds that, "the possibility of oil exploration in the Cabinda region has re-emerged, as the activities of the independence movement have reduced". 葡发补充道:“独立运动减少了,在卡宾达地区勘探石油成为可能。”
- Nevertheless, it is precisely this irrational trait that outsiders find so baffling in the Taiwanese Independence movement: an inherent urge to gamble with the basic interests of the people of Taiwan. 但是外人不了解的,正是台独运动的这一非理性特征,以台湾人民的根本利益作赌注,根本不在话下。
- Nevertheless,it is precisely this irrational trait that outsiders find so baffling in the Taiwanese Independence movement: an inherent urge to gamble with the basic interests of the people of Taiwan. 但是外人不了解的,正是台独运动的这一非理性特征,以台湾人民的根本利益作赌注,根本不在话下。
- Regrettably,in its efforts and propaganda against the Taiwan Independence movement,Beijing does not seem to have ever learnt to exploit the movement's Imperial Subjects Nazi-like tendencies. 遗憾的是北京在其反台独努力和国际宣传中,似乎从来不曾学会利用台独的“皇民”纳粹倾向。