- indentation of contours 围道的刻凿
- An indentation of a shoreline larger than a cove but smaller than an gulf. 海岸线的一个缺口,比小湾大,但比海湾小。
- The corresponding surface consists of a set of triangles spanning neighboring pairs of contours. 而相应的平面则由周围数对轮廓线生成的一组三角形组成。
- To change the indentation of any title, you can change the heading level applied to it in the original document. 要更改标题缩进,可以在原始文档中更改应用到其上的标题级别。
- A surface is derived from a set of contours which outlines the edge of a volume on a series of planar images. 一个平面起自一组轮廓线,这组轮廓线勾勒出了一系列平面图像的三维边缘。
- CT Evaluation of Pleural Indentation of Solitary Pulmonary Nodules Less Than 3 cm. 3厘米以下孤立性肺结节胸膜凹陷征的CT评价
- The smooth contour of the sculpture is wonderful. 雕塑物平滑的轮廓线简直太美了。
- The task of maintaining the indentation of your source HTML ranges from trivial to onerous. 保持源文件缩进范围的任务可能很琐碎,甚至十分繁重。
- The filling of contours (by various meaningful colors) is implemented under informational interrelations provided by the data structure. 在该数据结构信息的关联下,实现了用表达不同意义的颜色填充区域。
- The contour of that mountain looks like a dragon. 那座大山的轮廓看上去像一条龙。
- Loop, which required discussing compound statements and the appropriate indentation of Python statements to indicate blocks of related Python code. 循环,讨论了复合语句以及适当缩进Python语句来指示相关Python代码块。
- Please indent the first line of each paragraph. 请于每段第一行缩格书写。
- And five methods are talked about in detail to find out the attribution errors of contour elevation. 详细介绍了五种检查等高线高程错误的方法。
- Properties to set the indentation of paragraphs relative to the left and right edges of the control, and the left edge of other lines of text. 属性设置段落相对于控件的左右边缘以及其他文本行的左边缘进行缩进。
- Property represents the number of times the indent of the size specified by the. 属性所指定的缩进量的次数。
- The crucial procedure of contour detection for corneal endothelium image is to segment cells from background. 摘要角膜细胞图象轮廓提取的关键是分隔出细胞与背景,生成二值图象。
- Real time retracing and display of machining trace and drawing of contour of workpiece is three-dimensional. 加工轨迹实时跟踪显示,工件轮廓三维造型。
- On the other hand, we improve the correctness of contour extraction for high-noised images. 在另一方面,我们改善了高杂讯影像分割时轮廓撷取的正确性。
- This update fixes a problem where you cannot remove an indent of a task after the task becomes part of a summary in Microsoft Office Project 2003. 此更新解决了Microsoft Office Project 2003中的一个问题,即某个任务变成摘要的一部分后将无法删除该任务的降级。
- In this paper, two spatial index methods, GRID and R-tree, are introduced to detect the duplication of scattered points and the intersection of contours. 分别探讨了基于格网分块索引重复点检查和基于R树索引等高线相交检查两种方法。