- indefinite bone lesion 不规则形骨损害, 外渗性骨囊肿
- Multiple myeloma is a plasma cell neoplasm with osteolytic bone lesion. 摘要多发性骨髓瘤是一种蚀骨性的浆细胞肿瘤,而成骨性病灶是较罕见的。
- Emphasis has been placed on the value of SEM as an anthropologist's tool in bone lesion injuries. 着重强调扫描电镜(SEM)在骨外伤鉴定中,具有重要的使用价值。
- Results:Bone lesion was well demonstrated stereoscopically by SSD, and could be viewed from any desired plane by MPR. 结果:SSD很好地立体展现了骨病变,MPR可从任意平面观察并能进行位置调整。
- Alberto Gilardino worked in the pool today. Milan's medical staff have excluded any possibility of a bone lesion. 阿尔贝托.;吉拉迪诺今天在水池中进行了恢复锻炼,米兰队医已经排除了骨头受损的可能。
- Osteoblastic bone lesion is rare, and patients frequently present with anemia, renal insufficiency, bone pain and impaired immunity. 病患常以贫血,肾功能不全,骨头疼痛及免疫不全来表现。
- Objective To explore the relationship between bone lesion and serum level of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) in multiple myeloma (MM). 目的探讨多发性骨髓瘤(MM)患者骨损害程度与肝细胞生长因子(HGF)血清浓度的关系。
- Conclusion: Besides the classic pentads, bone lesion, edema and papilloedema should be included into the diagnostic criteria. 结论:除传统的5个临床特征外,骨骼损害、水肿、和视乳头水肿等亦应为该病的临床诊断特征。
- Solitary bone lesion of LCH has a good prognosis.We present a case of a 12-year-old girl who suffered from progressive pain over the right proximal clavicle. 本病例是一位12岁小女孩觉得右边锁骨处疼痛情况与日俱增,后来病灶有肿胀和局部红热的情形,怀疑是骨髓炎。
- Rarely, metastases from a small thyroid cancer may lead to presenting complaints due to lymph node enlargement, pulmonary symptoms, or a destructive bone lesion. 小甲状腺癌转移可能导致一些因淋巴结增大、肺部症状或破坏性骨损所致的症状,但这种情况较罕见。
- Objective: To demonstrate bone lesion stereoscopically and in multiplane by using 3-D SSD and MPR technique with helical CT, and to compare the technique with conventional CT study. 目的:探讨螺旋CT三维(3-D)表面遮盖法(SSD)和多平面重组(MPR)立体和多方位显示骨病变,比较与常规CT的优缺点。
- Histiocytosis X always had multiple bone lesions with osteolytic character. 此病常见有多处骨骼同时发生骨质溶解之病变。
- He has rather indefinite views on the question. 他对该问题的看法颇暧昧。
- The examination has confirmed the diagnosis of a tibia-tarsal lesion and the absence of any bone lesions. 检查结果证明了最初的诊断,迪达仅仅是踝关节损伤而没有骨骼受伤。
- A brief, indefinite interval of time. 瞬间一个短暂的、不确定的时间间隔
- An extremely large, indefinite number. 无数无限大、没限定的数目
- She'll be away for an indefinite period. 她将离开一段时间,何时回来未定。
- He gave me an indefinite answer. 他给我的答复模棱两可。
- Results:Most of the cases presented hepatosplenomegaly,premature delivery,low birth weight,cutaneous lesions,pneumonia,cardiac muscle lesion and bone lesion,anemia etc. 结果:38例早期胎传梅毒患儿中,大多数临床表现为肝脾肿大、早产、低出生体重、皮肤损害、肺炎、心肌损害以及骨骼损害、贫血等,少数并发多系统器官功能衰竭;
- He's away for an indefinite period. 他离开一段时间,多久未定。