- increased safety luminaire 增安型灯具
- Drawer with stop for increased safety. 抽屉带有制动装置,使用更安全。
- OSHA guarding is standard for increased safety. 标准的OSHA轴和皮带安全罩使增加了运行安全性。
- OSHA shaft and belt guarding is standard for increased safety. 标准的OSHA轴和传动皮带,提高运行安全性。
- Compound structure with increased safety sheel, the inner mounted button is of flame-element. 复合型结构,外壳为增安型,内装按钮为隔爆型元件。
- The cavity for switch is flameproof and the cavities for inlet and outlet are increased safety. 开关腔体为隔爆型,进出线腔体为增安型。
- Compound structure with increased safety sheel,the inner mounted button is of flame-element. 复合型结构,外壳为增安型,内装按钮为隔爆型元件。
- Frequent intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy is associated with increased safety risk, financial burden, and inconvenience. 反覆的玻璃体内注射抗VEGF会增加安全风险、经济负担、以及不方便。
- Tie the belay rope with a simple bowline knot (单套结)or a two-loop bowline knot looped at the end of the rope for increased safety. 在绳栓上绑一个单套结或在绳索末端绑一个双环套结可以增加安全性。
- Associate Professor Farrelly said the logo would only live up to the City of Melbourne's spin if matched with events, beautification programs and increased safety. 副教授法雷利说,徽标只会辜负城市墨尔本的旋转,如果配合活动,美化程序和提高安全性。
- A taffeta lining enhances comfort and flexibility, while 2"lime yellow triple trim increases safety through visibility. 塔夫绸衬里提高舒适并且灵活性,而2"石灰黄色三倍修剪增加安全通过可见性。
- Vibram soles, created with a desire to increase safety and protection levels, are the result of a constant commitment to research and development. 巍跋然在提升安全性能和加强保护的想法中诞生,并在我们星球的第一个角落书写着神话传说,并不断致力于研究和开发。
- The bank has progressively increased its liquidity. 银行逐渐地增加其流动资产。
- Tugboats are highly maneuverable and various propulsion systems have been developed to increase maneuverability and increase safety. 拖船高度机动和各种推进系统已经开发,以增加可操作性,并增加安全性。
- The mini-laminotomy technique was beneficial in increasing safety of the procedure with an acceptable incidence of complications. 小椎板切开技术是对于提高手术的安全性是有效的,这一技术所致并发症的发生率是可接受的。
- It solves of the problem of common glass wall's critical defect of weak flameproofing. extremely increases safety coefficiency of glass wall. 它的出现解决了普通玻璃外墙防火安全性差这个致命弱点,极大提高了玻璃外墙的安全系数。
- It seemed an eternity before news of his safety reached her. 他平安的消息到达她那里之前,那段时间似乎是无限漫长的。
- Modern medicine has increased man's life span. 现代医学延长了人的寿命。
- In this paper, the intensity of the piers is calculated and their safety reservation analyzed in order to guide and improve CWR design so as to increase safety and save cost. 有关“结构的设计安全储备是否应该大幅度提高”的争论作为工程建设界的热点 ,已经持续了五年 ,各方意见不尽相同 ,有的甚至针锋相对。
- Thanks to I had tied then the safety belt. 幸亏我当时系上了安全带。