- With increased competition from M1,rates have been declining gradually. 当M1带来竞争后,收费率便逐渐下降。
- With increased competition from M1, rates have been declining gradually. 当m1带来竞争后,收费率便逐渐下降。
- Mr. Minister Counselor: China's WTO commitments will facilitate increased competition in every sector of the economy. 祖先生:中国对WTO的承诺将有助于增加各个经济领域中的竞争。
- Airline deregulation, for example, initially fostered increased competition that lowered the cost of flying. 例如,撤销对航空部门的调控在开始阶段促进了竞争,从而降低了飞行成本。
- The end-result is likely to be increased competition and more efficient behaviour in the banking sector. 结果大概是银行业需要面对更多竞争,以及提高经营效率。
- Actual incremental costs are likely to be below expected costs due to increased competition and innovation. 由于竞争和创新,实际的增益成本可能会低于预期成本。
- A sluggish economy and increased competition brought about by economic reforms are squeezing profit margins. 市场需求不旺,经济改革加剧了行业竞争,导致公司利润率下降。
- Secretary Spellings believes we must not retreat from the world in the face of increased competition. 斯佩林斯部长认为我们一定不能面对不断的激烈的竞争而退却。
- It went on to say, "An unfortunate side to the evangelical movement in Korea is increased competition. 文章接着说,“韩国福音运动一个不幸的地方是其日益加剧的竞争。
- Increased competition is giving consumers greater choice of networks and operators,and services develop in response to the market. 业内竞争日趋激烈,令消费者在电讯网络及营办商方面有更多的选择,而服务发展会因应市场的需要。
- Hong Kong will face increased competition from other international businesses for a slice of the lucrative Mainland trade and investment pie. 内地在贸易和投资方面都蕴藏庞大商机,国际其他商业机构都希望分一杯羹,香港将会面对更大竞争。
- Increased competition is giving consumers greater choice of networks and operators, and services develop in response to the market. 业内竞争日趋激烈,令消费者在电讯网络及营办商方面有更多的选择,而服务发展会因应市场的需要。
- The rivalry between the developer from the size and power products increased competition for enterprise brand influence competition. 发展商之间的角逐将从规模和产品力上的竞争上升为企业品牌影响力的竞争。
- Rail's share of inter-city freight traffic declined from 75% in 1929 to 38% in 1980, thanks to new roads and increased competition from trucking. 但是由于新公路的建成和来自汽车货运的竞争压力,城市间的铁路货运业的市场占有率从1929年的75%25下降到1980年的38%25。
- That tepid growth was partly because of increased competition from its own expansion, where new stores cannibalize sales at older outlets. 这在一定程度上正是其自身新店太多、分流了老店客流量的一个结果。
- However, increased competition, saturated markets, and a more price-conscious public have changed the world of the professionals. 然而,不断加剧的竞争、饱和的市场以及一个更加具有金钱意识的社会改变了专业人员的世界。
- On the other hand, deregulation of telecommunications unquestionably brought increased competition to certain parts of the telephone services industry. 另一方面,对电信业的撤销调控无疑使电话业中某些部门的竞争有所增加。
- Financial news is an increasingly competitive industry. 财经新闻是一个竞争日益激烈的行业。
- In many states, elections for judges are increasingly competitive. 在许多州,选举法官是不断上涨的竞争。
- The main findings of the paper suggested that the reduced profitability of banks in recent years was related to the difficult macroeconomic conditions and increased competition. 该文件的主要结果显示,近年银行盈利下降与宏观经济状况困难及竞争加剧有关。