- incontinent defecation 排粪失禁
- People often become incontinent when they get very old. 人老了就往往有内急失禁现象。
- Evacuation of the bowels; defecation. 排粪肠部的清除;通便
- Laxative: Substance that promotes defecation. 轻泻药:促进排粪的物质。
- Many of our patients are incontinent. 我们很多病人都有失禁现象。
- I will not surprise the incontinent. 我再也不偷袭正在风流快活的人了。
- Laxative: Substance that promotes defecation. 轻泻药:促进排粪的物质。
- Laxative: Substance that promotes defecation. 轻泻药:促进排粪的物质。
- The patient is doubly incontinent. 病人大小便失禁。
- The underground water was exhausted by incontinent use. 地下水由于无节制的使用而枯竭了。
- Part of them have lower limb weakness,urinary and defecation. 部分病例有下肢无力、尿便障碍。
- Results The products taste nice possess high defecation. 结果研制出的茶饮料口感好,澄清度高。
- A similar piece of material, worn by incontinent adults. 换尿布真是一件讨厌的事。
- The first defecation we saw was in a yearling, a little 50-footer. 我们第一次看到蓝鲸排便,是一头一岁左右,约15米长的小鲸干的。
- Headache symptoms in coughing, sneezing, defecation, heavier. 头痛症状会在咳嗽、打喷嚏、排便时加重。
- Raw, pulsing PAIN so severe that victim becomes incontinent and vomits. 脉冲式的皮开肉绽般的痛疼使受害者难以忍受和甚至呕吐。
- To study the effect of caress on defecation and jaundice of newborn. 探讨抚触对新生儿排便和黄疸的影响。
- The most serious when can happen break down, relieve oneself is incontinent. 最严重时可发生瘫痪,大小便失禁。
- Proper exercise:Help you have daily defecation to protect the acne occur. 适当的运动:能帮助保持每日通便,预防青春痘。
- Many patients the increased frequency of defecation,-thinning, with mucus. 许多病人排便次数增多,变稀、带有黏液。