- inconsolable when her son died. 儿子死时她痛不欲生。
- She was almost mad with grief when her son died. 她的儿子死去时,她悲伤得几乎疯了。
- Her spirit broke when her son died so young. 当她儿子早逝时她的精神垮掉了。
- She did not show her grief when her son died. 她儿子去世时她没有显露出悲伤。
- She was almost mad with grief when her son died 她的儿子死去时,她悲伤得几乎疯了。
- The mother was all on edge when her son was having a blood test. 那位母亲在儿子接受血检时,心情十分紧张
- The poor woman was buried in grief after her son died. 这个可怜的妇人在儿子死后一直沉浸在悲痛之中。
- When her son returned she was at last free from anxiety. 她儿子回来了,她总算解除了忧虑。
- She has been a bit off since her son died. 自从她儿子去世,她一直有点不正常。
- The mother frowned when her son failed in his exam. 儿子考试不及格时, 母亲皱着眉。
- Her son died on the battlefield. 她儿子死在战场上。
- When her son broke the window, she blew a fuse. 当她的儿子打破窗户时,她发火了。
- When she heard that her son died in the war, she was out like a light. 当听到儿子在战争中死去的消息时,她昏了过去。
- She cried inconsolably when her cat was run over by a car. 一辆车碾了她的猫,使得她嚎啕大哭。
- The former Playboy playmate grabbed recent headlines when her 20-year-old son died suddenly in the Bahamas. 最近她频频亮相各媒体大标题,因为她20岁的儿子在巴哈马突然猝死。
- She was devoured with worry when her son did not come an time. 儿子没有按时回来,她万分焦急。
- When her son went to fight in the war, his mother felt she'd said goodbye to him forever and ever. 儿子动身上前线作战时,母亲觉得她是在向他永远道别。
- The old lady was like a dog with two tails when her son and his wife came home from Australia with the grandchildren she's never seen before. 看到儿子及儿媳带着从未见过面的小孙孙们从澳大利亚回来时,老妇人欣喜若狂。
- They were inconsolable when their only child died. 他们唯一的孩子去世时,他们简直痛不欲生。
- When her son was arrested again she washed her hands of him. 她的儿子再次被捕,她就与他脱离了关系。