- incomplete dominant gene 不完全显性基因
- Many features of a person's face are decided by his dominant gene. 人的脸部特征很大程度上是由他身体的显性基因决定的。
- A beautiful chinchilla with one beige dominant gene. 美丽的龙猫一个米色显性基因。
- However, the degree of dominance for all measurements are incomplete or partial with an exception of peak viscosity in which the complete dominant gene effects is observed. 除高峰黏度为完全显性外,各该黏度测定值概呈不完全或部份显性。
- I have inherited my mother's dominant genes. 我继承了我母亲的显性基因。
- The ratio of transition and transversion is 1.6:1.Po also behaves as an incomplete dominant in CAU resource reference population established by silkies and White Plymouth Rock broilers. 在由多趾的丝羽乌骨鸡和四趾的白洛克肉鸡杂交建立的CAU资源群体中,多趾呈不完全显性。
- The ear diametre was inherited in a superdominant fashion with the additive gene as the dominant gene. 穗粗的遗传为超显性遗传,且显性基因为增效基因。
- The effect arises from an accumulation of dominant genes in the F1. 这种现象产生的原因是显性基因在F1代积累。
- If this dominant gene is present only once, the base colour changes into an irregular pattern of various grades of dilution. 如果有一个其强势基因,狗的基本色就会出现不正常、不同程度的淡化。
- The results showed the functional copies of foreign gene 1Dx5 integrated in one locus, as a dominant gene, abiding by Mendel genetic law. 结果表明:外源1Dx5 基因有功能拷贝整合在1 个位点,遵从孟德尔遗传模式。
- sex-linked incomplete dominant inheritance 伴性不完全显性遗传
- The dwarf gene Rht3 derived from Tom Thu mb variety, a Tibetan wheat of China, is a dominant gene with the insensitivity to gibberellic acid. 利用PCR和RFLP技术分析了小麦赤霉酸反应不敏感的矮秆基因Rht3的近等基因系及其分离群体。
- Leaf length, area, and blade curvature were mainly controlled by dominant gene effect, while additive gene effect in leaf width and SLW. 叶长、叶面积和叶面曲率的基因作用则主要表现为显性效应;
- The resistance of ICA70 to race CYR31 was controlled by complementary action of one dominant gene and one recessive gene, and the resistance to race CYR32 by one recessive. ICA70对条中31表现出由1对显性基因和1对隐性基因的互补作用控制,而对条中32表现为由一对隐性基因控制。
- It was reconfirmed from the result of pedigree analysis that ED1 was dominant over EP and e, while EP was incompletely dominant over e. 家系个体的分析结果进一步验证了ED1对EP、e为完全显性,EP对e为不完全显性。
- Dominance gene effect of spike length was higher than that of additive. 穗长为超显性;显性基因效应比加性基因效应更重要.
- The resistance of IR29 and IR2061 to bacterial blight is governed by a same dominant gene, but Ge-Ma-Li has one nonallelic dominant gene which is affected by one recessive suppressor of Zhen Shan 97. IR29和IR2061具有1对相同的抗白叶枯病显性基因,而戈马列则具有1对非等位的显性抗性基因,并且受珍汕97的1对隐性抑制基因所制约。
- The measurement of the F?1 from the cross between background parent and CSSL AIS68 with TA-9~I a nd the analysis of F?2 population indicated that the TA-9~I was an incomp lete dominant gene. F1表型测定及F2代遗传分析表明,来自IR24的等位基因是一个不完全显性基因。
- incomplete dominance(semidominance) 不完全显性, 半显性
- He thinks a dominant gene eventually will be pinpointed to explain why autism occurs more than once in some families."We see families with two, even three children with autism," Pomeroy said. 他认为一个显性基因当然可以正确的解释有些家庭不止一次罹患自闭症。